Moderate? What a joke the way they try and sell her as.
Pragmatic moderate? Lefties sure do twist themselves into pretzels trying to come up with terms to pass themselves off as centrists without pissing off the kook lefties in their party.
Maybe in bed with Willie
Pragmatic means she has no discernible ideology. She is like bill clinton. Whatever gets the most political points at the moment is what she will do.
Moderate? no. She will do what the democrat party, in close coordination with the chicoms, antifa, and blm, tells her to do.
The New York Times would consider Joseph Stalin a “pragmatic moderate”....
I wouldn’t say “without evidence”... It’s just that all the evidence points to the exact opposite of their assertion...
Typical Leftists trying to push the Window ever further Left.
Like clockwork.
We're now in a world of blatant, in your face lying by the media.
I guess when its a media that labels riots and violence as "mostly peaceful" protests, anything is possible. Any doubt we are in a civil war that hasn't gone completely hot yet?
Liberals always need a definition of what they are: Progressive, Centrist, Moderate, etc whereas Conservatives are, well, Conservative.
And the New York Times is an accurate source.
Remember, moderate to a leftist is temperament, not policy or ideologically driven.
Everything is about feelings and power.
List her accomplishments please:
“Pragmatic moderate”
Without principle, devoted only to expediency.
For sale to the highest bidder.
The rich like Bezos can wait out Biden and Harris.
Can you?
Even Dems doubt Biden can last through one term, maybe not even one year. His VP would almost certainly have to be ready to be Chief Executive relatively soon.
So what is Kamala Harris’s executive experience, running a major business enterprise or state government? That would be NONE. The closest she has come is her campaign for the Dem nomination; that collapsed due to a management vacuum.
What were her accomplishments as Senator? None, except for shameful misconduct in the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing.
The MSM better buy more Lipstick
When they declare Biden incompetant who will grab POTUS from him? Pelosi will challenge Harris’ non Natural Born Citizenship to finally step into the postion. Harris will say Obama wasn’t a NBC and keep it for herself. It’ll come to a race fight with the same whining they did with Obama. Whaaa, diversity!
I just heard Chris Wallace refer to Kamala Harris as an African American, not once, but four times. How does a woman who has a mother who is from India (Not Africa) and a Father from Jamaica (Not Africa) and who is married to a White man be called African American? She is not only NOT African American, she isn’t even all Black (50% Jamaican). Let’s see if the Main Stream Media (Including Chris Wallace) will eventually get this right.
What a combination to run the country; a demented old man and a pothead?