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We Should Consider Starting Covid-19 Vaccinations Now (I agree, on strictly volunteer basis)
Forbes ^ | August 2, 2020 | Steven Salzberg

Posted on 08/03/2020 1:09:30 AM PDT by cba123

Development of new Covid-19 vaccines is proceeding at a furious pace, which is good news for the world. We already have two vaccines in phase 3 trials in the US and Europe; each of these trials which will vaccinate many thousands of people, and then wait to see how many get infected. If the vaccines work, then in a few months’ time we’ll be able to start large-scale production.

But we don’t have to wait. Both of these vaccines (from Moderna and Oxford University/Astra Zeneca) have already been shown, in phase 1 trials, to be safe and probably effective. That’s why the companies are moving ahead and giving each vaccine to 30,000 more people: they are fairly confident that the vaccines are safe. The NY Times reports that 3 other Covid-19 vaccines are also in phase 3 trials: one from BioNTech and Pfizer, and two from Chinese companies, Sinopharm and Sinova Biotech.

So why not start administering millions of doses right now? We should.

(I agree)

(Please see link for full article)

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: covid19
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To: Crim


21 posted on 08/03/2020 2:22:14 AM PDT by billyboy15
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To: cba123

There are already three vaccines that are going to be released to the masses this month. One in Russia, UK in India. Millions of doses will be available this month.

22 posted on 08/03/2020 2:24:42 AM PDT by BushCountry (thinks he needs a gal whose name doesn't end in ".jpg")
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To: cba123

Or just give it to the poeple who stand in line for hours to get the new I-Phone.

23 posted on 08/03/2020 2:27:56 AM PDT by Hillarys Gate Cult (Free the TVs!)
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To: cba123

The “plan” for this pandemic has been in the works since 2010. Start at 36:00

24 posted on 08/03/2020 2:31:24 AM PDT by Maudeen (
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To: BushCountry

Oh I did not know that.

China is also apparently also distributing one of theirs, as well.

But only to some in the military, apparently. Not wider there, yet.

China, Russia, India and the UK. Lots, and lots of people, very soon.

C’mon Trump.


25 posted on 08/03/2020 2:33:01 AM PDT by cba123 ( Toi la nguoi My. Toi bay gio o Viet Nam.)
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To: Craftmore; PrairieLady2

See post 24

26 posted on 08/03/2020 2:34:44 AM PDT by Maudeen (
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To: cba123

When seemingly intelligent people begin to publish that pointing a loaded gun to your head and explaining it just night be a good idea to pull the trigger .... voluntarilly, of course .... you can be assured that years of indoctrination has finally accomplished ..... ACCOMPLISHED, I SAY’s goal of taking a nation without a shot.

27 posted on 08/03/2020 3:15:23 AM PDT by knarf
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To: cba123

Be sure and take the Gates vaccine that modifies your DNA.

28 posted on 08/03/2020 3:35:31 AM PDT by Old Yeller (Systemic liberalism is the problem.)
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To: poinq

Like that vaccine they guilt parents in to give their kids for HPV on those commercials.

29 posted on 08/03/2020 3:38:27 AM PDT by Old Yeller (Systemic liberalism is the problem.)
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To: cba123

Why is it I get the feeling the Chinese planned on this, that this engineered virus may react very different.
Who knows, maybe this is either where most of the planet turns into either zombies or apes start talking....

30 posted on 08/03/2020 3:44:18 AM PDT by Daniel Ramsey (Thank YOU President Trump, finally we can do what America does best, to be the best)
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To: cba123
... they are fairly confident that the vaccines are safe.

Safe? Yes. Effective? To be determined. If you administer it willy-nilly then how do you determine how effective it is? Clinical trials are a necessity.

31 posted on 08/03/2020 3:45:33 AM PDT by DoodleDawg
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To: Crim

Im not taking jack....period.

^ This. IMHO this whole mess is contrived by the deepstate (the virus is real but the panic is manufactured). The “cure” may be worse than the cause.

32 posted on 08/03/2020 3:46:15 AM PDT by VTenigma (The Democrat party is the party of the mathematically challenged)
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To: cba123

There is not going to be an effective vaccine unless it is discovered by pure luck.

With our present scientific and technical knowledge, any CV-19 vaccine will be exactly like flu vaccine...

At best, it will be 50% effective, and you will need to get a new shot EVERY year.

In the mean time, the rest of the Corona common cold virus family will kill thousands of Americans each year by leading to pneumonia or Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.

But no one will notice those Corona deaths, since only CV-19 has the “right” to claim pneumonia and ARDS fatalities as CV-19 fatalities.

33 posted on 08/03/2020 3:46:57 AM PDT by zeestephen
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To: poinq
"Vaccines are extremely dangerous."

No, they aren't. About 1 vaccine in 1 million can be reasonably linked to any harm whatsoever. That's the payout rate from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, which requires no medical evidence or proof whatsoever in order to pay out. All you have to do is make a reasonable argument linking a vaccine you received to some injury. And with that low bar, there's about 1 case of compensation paid per 1 million vaccines. Meanwhile, vaccines save hundreds of thousands of American lives every year and millions of lives around the world every year. Vaccines wiped out smallpox and pretty much erased measles, mumps, pertussis, polio, and many other terrible disease from America.

"You are telling your body to kill any cell with a DNA or RNA snip-it sequence."

No, you aren't. That isn't how the human immune system works. Your body doesn't attack DNA or RNA. It attacks foreign proteins and other foreign objects. Vaccines work by providing the body with the glycoproteins (antigens) of a particular pathogen so T-cell and B-cell immunity is activated.

"If that sequence snip-it is shared in any part by the DNA of your own cells, your body will start attacking those cells."

No, that is not how it works. DNA is not a target. There is no part of the human immune system that acts on DNA. There is no part of the human immune system that attacks cells based on DNA.

"You are basically hiring killers and giving them a description of the cells to kill. If innocent cells have the same description, they will be killed."

If any of your body's cells were to have antigens from a a pathogen in them, they absolutely should be killed. That means they're infected. No cells in your body will ever have the glycoproteins of SARS-CoV-2 on them. None. If somehow that were to ever happen, there is something so horribly wrong with that cell that it should be immediately destroyed. And it will be, naturally, by your body. Because your body would immediately recognize that glycoprotein as foreign and NK T-cells would immediately attack and kill the cell carrying them. That would happen with or without a vaccine.

"Our medical community does not like to remind people that vaccines kill and maim people all the time, today. Even current vaccines under wide use."

Except they don't. Significant reactions to vaccines resulting in any lasting effects are exceedingly rare. About 1 payout per 1 million vaccines given with zero medical proof required.

"New vaccines often kill more than they save at first."

No, they don't. They never do that. Such a vaccine would never make it to phase 1 clinical testing. It would be stopped in animal testing. If somehow it did make it to clinical phase 1 testing, it would stop there. It would never be approved for phase 2, let alone phase 3, let alone manufactured, let alone provided to the general public.

Why spread misinformation and fear? The media does more than enough fearmongering on its own. It doesn't need help.

34 posted on 08/03/2020 3:51:38 AM PDT by 2aProtectsTheRest
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To: cba123

Liberals first.

35 posted on 08/03/2020 3:51:51 AM PDT by jersey117
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To: cba123

Yes, all politicians who are demanding it should volunteer to go first!

Show us the way!

36 posted on 08/03/2020 3:54:28 AM PDT by Mr. K (No consequence of repealing obamacare is worse than obamacare itself)
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To: poinq

The central dogma of biology that structure is function negates four argument. Genes code for particular protein conformations. In this case there is a very obvious structure called a spoke protein. Human DNA does not have spoke proteins for infecition if mother organisms. Your arguments is akin to saying a sophisticated and educated adult could confuse Shakespeare for Snoop Dog Because the because they both alphabet.

So feel free to not take a vaccine. But please do. It spread demonstrably incorrect information to support your decision and put others at risk

37 posted on 08/03/2020 3:56:42 AM PDT by gas_dr (Trial lawyers AND POLITICIANS are Endangering Every Patient in America: INCLUDING THEIR LIBERTIES)
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To: Old Yeller

There is no “Gates vaccine”. Bill Gates doesn’t make vaccines. He and his foundation do provide grants that are used for some vaccines, but he doesn’t make anything. He has no lab. He has no stock in vaccine makers. Check the SEC filings. It’s all right there.

And there is no vaccine or vaccine candidate that modifies your DNA. Doesn’t exist. Generation 3 vaccines provide messenger RNA to ribosomes in your cells so they’ll produce glycoproteins (completely normal activity for ribosomes) which are the antigens for specific pathogens. The antigens are harmless by themselves, but they create T-cell and B-cell response that provides immunity against the target pathogen. Your DNA is never touched. That’s not how it works.

38 posted on 08/03/2020 3:58:35 AM PDT by 2aProtectsTheRest
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To: SanchoP

I am sick of the asymptomatic spread motif. If this were the main way the virus spread we would have 200 million cases already. There are several studies that shows asymptomatic spread is garbage. I just don’t get why people can’t follow the science and facts (I know you are replying but was to lazy to go back up to the poster of the comment)

39 posted on 08/03/2020 4:00:54 AM PDT by gas_dr (Trial lawyers AND POLITICIANS are Endangering Every Patient in America: INCLUDING THEIR LIBERTIES)
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To: gas_dr

Pleasure to see you here correcting misinformation and fearmongering. Hope all is well with you and yours!

40 posted on 08/03/2020 4:01:08 AM PDT by 2aProtectsTheRest
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