Posted on 07/31/2020 1:05:50 PM PDT by lowbridge
Dortmund Its hard to believe: The man (23) who is said to have raped a 13-year-old in Dortmund on Friday apparently struck a month before!
On June 20, the Afghan is said to have raped an eleven-year-old in Dortmund. It was a comparable event, prosecutor Börge Klepping also confirmed the earlier act when asked by BILD. He did not want to give details, to protect the now twelve-year-old victim.
The man was caught shortly after the crime, but was released on July 3 after only twelve days, subject to registration requirements. Reason: he was not considered to be a flight risk.
The prosecutor: He had previously appeared for a narcotics offense, but not in connection with sexual offenses. He has a permanent place of residence and therefore there was no reason to hold the refugee.
On Friday, the Afghan, who has a temporary residence permit, then lured a 13-year-old into a hallway and also raped her. Because the girl delivered a good description of the perpetrator, her tormentor was caught on Saturday night.
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islam is a scourge upon the Earth and must be expunged.
Sexual violence is pervasive in Islamic cultures....and not forbidden when it’s against the infidels.
Germany used to take care of stuff like that.
There are 68 passages in the Quoran allowing the muslim to lie, cheat, steal and kill the infidel. Whats to stop the maniac if the gov’t won’t?
Animals like this should be strung up and used as human piñatas. And I do not care how many leftists view it as cultural appropriation or Islamophobic.
No worries. In 50 years, there won’t be any ethnic Germans left unless the guy starts raping old ladies.
Once upon a time, there was an East Germany and a West Germany?
East Germany was a shit hole like North Korea, propped up by the Soviet Union.
All the East Germans were trying to escape from their walled-in Iron Curtain into the freedom of West Germany.
After reunification, ALL of Germany is now a shit hole.
This is what happens when you allow the Left to take power. They destroy everything that is good.
Where’s the riots?
Germany seems to be into this stuff (or they’d take the rape of children seriously), so what’s the problem here?
"Did I do that?"
The Krauts are cowed by the murderous, bloodthirsty, Troglodytes-from-hell, muzzies(SPIT!).
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