7/24/2020 8:31:22 AM · by Sir Napsalot · 34 replies
Breitbart ^ | 7-23-2020 | Dr. Susan Berry
Posted on 07/24/2020 8:17:01 AM PDT by Altura Ct.
The New York Times announced Thursday it is releasing a new podcast series titled Nice White Parents, about how white parents are preventing black and brown children from succeeding in public schools.
According to the Times, Nice White Parents is about the 60-year relationship between white parents and the public school down the block.
Its premise is reportedly that the reason government schools are failing black and brown kids is due to powerful white parents.
Reporter Chana Joffe-Walt states in an audio clip the basis for the project is research that led her back to New York City in 1963, when optimistic white parents insisted that a new school, intended originally for black and Hispanic children who lived in the projects, be built near their neighborhood instead, so that their white children and the minority children could attend school together.
When the school was finally built, however, Joffe-Walt reported the white parents never actually sent their children to the school. In the series, she relates some of the conversations she had with some of the white parents to examine why they failed to follow through with their stated intentions.
The Times report says the new podcast series demonstrates that questions about why there is an achievement gap between children from black and Hispanic families and white and Asian families despite 20 years of progressive reforms in public schools need to be revisited:
We know that American public schools do not guarantee each child an equal education two decades of school reform initiatives have not changed that. But when we look at how our schools are failing, we usually focus on who theyre failing: Black and brown kids. We ask: Why arent they performing better? Why arent they achieving more?
(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...
You may want to rethink the “/s” tag. Looking for an uparmored Ram 1500. For a friend of course.
They don’t achieve because their parents don’t care plus the students don’t care either; and it’s that Whitey’s fault mantra all over again. Hey NYT - you print your trash on white paper dominating the black ink used; that’s racist right there.
Next thing you know they will be asking for their own bathrooms and water fountains.
The white ownership of the Times should sell off its NY property AND the ownership of the newspaper newsrag and give the money to descendants of the families owned by the racist Times owners.
So the democrats pander, promise, and coddle the urban black family for decades until the bonds and strength of black family structure is all but unnecessary and somehow that’s whites fault?
How many schools just for blacks...Oh, that’s what this country spent decades trying to abolish.
So why do children of color underperform white kids in schools that are racially integrated? Why do white kids underperform Asia kids? Is it Asian parents?
Its more like 70 years of constant effort to close “the gap”.
How much of the NYT is still owned by Carlos Slim?
I suspect the mechanism they will cite is that white parents create segregation, which is bad because the black kids cannot go to school with white kids and therefore cannot benefit from positive peer effects.
Notice how this always seems to happen in Democrat controlled areas? Just like all the looting and rioting.
The New York Times has stopped even pretending to be a news organization anymore. It’s a left-wing advocacy group, with a radical left-wing agenda. It should be treated as such.
Democrats have been running big city schools for thirty years or more....
Black do fine in smaller towns with good schools...and a parent who makes sure they do the work...
You can teach any kid to read if you start when they can setup...my kids were reading at three and four years old...
We had a foster girl who was reading at four years and started at two years..
I guess we wont be seeing the NYT series Nigga be dumb anytime soon.
OMG. You owe me a new computer monitor. LOL
It is well known that white privilege prevents the mothers and fathers of black children from marrying each other. It’s about time the NYT got on the story.
The Times is going after another Pulizer prize for idiocracy.
Leveling down. No student moves forward unless all students move forward. So you kid cannot learn trig until all kids can learn trig.
Yje Dms have the same approach to almost everything. IRAs? They are already talking about how “unfair” it is for some people to have “large” IRA balances.
No it looks like Smarts is a fixed pie. Your child takes smarts away from others.
Now color EQUALS positive life skills. ..can’t have positive life skills...might not need government/commie help
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