1 posted on
06/18/2020 8:56:18 PM PDT by
To: MNDude
Arent there a whole bunch of people already there?
2 posted on
06/18/2020 8:59:05 PM PDT by
(Peaceful coexistence with the Left is not possible. Stop pretending that it is.)
To: MNDude
So, the Tulsa Mayor has decided to punish the Deplorables.
8 posted on
06/18/2020 9:14:52 PM PDT by
(Politics is the continuation of war by other means. --Clausewitz)
To: MNDude
Maybe he got some intel on planned attacks on the Trump people.
12 posted on
06/18/2020 9:20:32 PM PDT by
(As for the foundations of the Catholic faith, this pontificate is an outrage to reason.)
To: MNDude
I get the impression, Trump is steaming inside about the
unrest and the lack of response to it.
He’s a pretty calculating guy.
If ANTIFA and BLM want to poke the beast, I suspect they do
so at extreme risk.
If they go after Trump’s supporters, he’s going to mash them.
18 posted on
06/18/2020 10:57:08 PM PDT by
(Some of the folks around these parts have been sniffing super flu.)
To: MNDude
The mayor has also wimped out on attending the rally. Is he also not going to greet or meet Trump upon arrival. Is he a Never Trumper? If I were local resident, I’d be peeved at mayor dissing the president, any president. He is first term, likely a one and out term. Good riddance.
19 posted on
06/18/2020 11:17:50 PM PDT by
(Buy American, Hire American! End All Worker Visa Programs. Replace Visa Workers w/ American Workers)
To: MNDude
1st Amendment violation, time to have a Federal Judge issue an injunction.
20 posted on
06/18/2020 11:30:08 PM PDT by
To: MNDude
Apparently, being conservative means taking it on the chin every time and never counter punching. You people think the left would just say OK and leave quietly from a single police man? Show some damn backbone!
23 posted on
06/19/2020 4:18:52 AM PDT by
To: MNDude
Cowardly Republican mayor at that.
26 posted on
06/19/2020 4:45:56 AM PDT by
To: MNDude
This curfew was Suspended by Oklahoma Supreme Court, full speed ahead.
28 posted on
06/19/2020 6:51:01 PM PDT by
(Welcome to the New USA where Islam is a religion of peace and Christianity is a mental disorder.)
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