His style and message wont change, but the world has.>>>>>>>>>>>>
The world has NOT changed.
Water is water. But because fish f*ck in it, the left refuse to drink water any longer.They take “Soma” instead and have become addicted to it.
President Trump will awaken them in November, and they will live or die then according to their lights.
The left knows it will lose as a million Americans sign up to attend the President’s Tulsa Rally.
The left thinks they can prevent Americas sentiments from manifesting? Let them try it if they want CWII, they will have earned it.
I know that we all get irritated by Ann Coulter here. However, when the left threatened Civil War if GWB were reelected, she remarked: “It will be the shortest civil war in history. The right has all the men and all the guns”
“Water is water. But because fish f*ck in it, the left refuse to drink water any longer.They take Soma instead and have become addicted to it.”
Nothing a water purifier tablet (which is a type of bleach that the left are so scared of) in a 5 gallon container of water won’t fix.
It would be funny to explain to them that wastewater treatment facilities use chlorine, which is sometimes put into the water with bleach, is used for killing the dirty germs in the sewage, or that many areas spray the treated wastewater on farm fields. See how hard they will flip out.