“Experts” yea okay...
Democrats worry if Trump turns the economy around, bye bye Biden.
Cant be allowed to happen.
Is my liberty expendable? How about my nation’s economy and future?
Thats funny. Neither is mine. And yet shes one of the people in my circle of family and friends who is making the strongest effort to live her life as if nothing is wrong ... even to the point of violating all kinds of government emergency orders that she doesnt even know were issued in the first place. LOL.
Upward of 50,000 die every year in traffic accidents. Every day we hop into our cars we know there is risk involved.
Keep the older folk staying safe at home, and those with compromised health, and let the rest go back to work.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo pushed back against Patrick’s sentiment, saying, “My mother is not expendable.
“And your mother is not expendable,” he continued. “And our brothers and sisters are not expendable. We’re not going to accept a premise that human life is disposable. We’re not going to put a dollar figure on human life.”
This from the governor who supports not only full term abortions, but killing chidden born alive after a botched abortion.
What would be left to tax? Certainly no businesses or corporations much less working people. Welcome to the beginning of left wing push back.
No one wants to see a family relative as "expendable". But perhaps we should take a slightly wider and less self-centered viewpoint.
How queer that this talking point got picked up by all the different media outlets
3000 family members are aborted every day and they dont care they want more dead
My Mom’s assisted living facility is likely to stay locked down for a time beyond the opening of business.
Anyone who supports killing the unborn holds no moral ground on this issue. Democrats need to be reminded of this at every turn.
Go back to work even if people die.,this attack on freedom must be confronted.
EXPERTS WARN!!!!!! lets see the list
People in densely-populated Singapore and Hong Kong (were talking NYC-dense here), where white collar workers are squashed into tiny cubicles, are managing to go back to work without significant new infections. The secret is face masks. Given the toll imposed by infections, whether in terms of suffering or potential death, Id say it makes sense to charge anyone not wearing a mask with aggravated assault. Minimum 6 months in prison and a felony record. After a few highly-publicized convictions, combined with the medias klieg lights on the scofflaws, everyone will wear a mask.
If you pat yourself on the back for paying employees $12/hour, I’ll pat you on the back for living on $24,000/year if you show up at my place next year.
One of DiFi’s former staffers is writing the same in the Sacramento Bee as an editorial. Looks like the Soros-DNC talking point of the day!
“My mother is not expendable.” That’s so typical of Cuomo and his personal based arrogance. You can probably imagine that his mother lives somewhere where the transmission of this infection is certainly not that kind of a grave concern.
Reminds me of some remark he made to the NRA following some incident involving a deranged kid running amok with a firearm at a school (not the Parkland tragedy). This time, he invoked his own kids and their safety in that comment when we all here know that very well likely where he and other pompous and liberal wealthy New Yorkers send their kids to school that their safety from these uncontrolled deviants again is among their least likely concerns.
Easter is a bit too soon. I suggest gradually starting to get back to work the 1st or 2nd week of May.