Not because the LA SLIMES is liberal . Not because the rag spews the DNC communist policies and talking points . as a way to nullify the outcome of the 2016 election. But because they engaged in high crimes and misdemeanors covering for the swamp, leaking material AND MOST of all for LYING to the American people of exactly the sort the founders had in mind when they created the impeachment process in the U.S. Constitution...IMPEACH THE MEDIA!! IMPEACH THE MEDIAPUKES!!!
Why post this?
Certainly: Why post this without a barf alert?
But more fundamentally: why post this?
We already know Schiff’s thinking on these subjects.
Schiff repeated all this Bull Schiff repeatedly during the shampeachment.
Why do we need LA Times repetition of Schiff’s repetitious arguments?
And without a barf alert?
Or even... at all?
What are we learning by reading this that we didn’t already learn 500 times a day last week?
Really. I’m curious. Why post this?
It’s within the president’s authority to investigate corruption, and to ask for help from foreign governments. Show me where in the Constitution it’s not.
Trump was acting in the true interests of America by asking for an investigation of corruption. The fact the Trump also personally benefitted is incidental, and is not corrupt intent, and is not a crime, and does not deserve any punishment what so ever.
But because he engaged in high crimes and misdemeanors of exactly the sort the founders had in mind when they created the impeachment process in the U.S. Constitution.
So any make-believe “Ukraine deal” even if true, would be a HC & M?
Laughable. How about sending troops off to undeclared wars? How about secret deals with our enemies (Iran) and billions of $$$?
How about JFK and Bay of Pigs? Stealing elections, him and LBJ? How about “reverse discrimination” programs, esp by Clinton and Obama? Cabinets that discriminatorily “look like America”?
How about appointing SC candidates based on their ethnicity, religion, etc rather than merit?
Strange how the democrats forgot to include high crimes and misdemeanors (actual crimes)in their articles of impeachment.
I guess they just forgot ...
Honeybadger don’t care.
B.Clinton and 0bozo first.
I took a quick look at the comments section and amazingly enough most of them disagreed with their stupid opinon.
Shame I can’t cancel that POS fish wrap again.
“Meet the new owner (Patrick Soon-Shiong) same as the old owner (Tribune Publishing) Don’t get fooled by that Commie rag again!”
TDS at its height. Who pays any attention to the Times?
It’s a stupid accusation. The president is SUPPOSED to control the release of aid. It’s happened time and again through US history.
He released it ahead of schedule.
But, he held back temporarily due to dead beat Europeans and because of a very real appearance of corruption.
There is no crime here.
At the Newport Beach flea market they were pushing this rag. I told them to go piss off. They couldn’t understand my dislike. This editorial is a good example.
“Not as a way to nullify the outcome of the 2016 election”
I say we burn the LA Times buildings to the ground and put all of their employees in FEMA camps.
US foreign policy is whatever the President says it is
To suggest that the President can act contrary to US policy makes ZERO sense
“...into groundless accusations against former Vice President Joe Biden...”
The LA Times thinks everyone else is dumb. That’s the only way to describe folks who say it’s “groundless”.
How can the President hijack foreign policy when it is the prerogative of the President to determine foreign policy? As for "smearing a prospective political opponent", do you mean like Hillary and the DNC commissioning the fake dossier from a British spy and Russian operatives to smear her prospective 2016 political opponent?