I too, love a bargain. Next to it is a Family Dollar store.
One just opened across street from our senior center in Beavercreek, OH.
I like the online sales apps or sites for private sale. No triple taxation. I’d like to see it expanded.
I know exactly where that store is she is profiling. I own property in the area. It has truly been a godsend to the area.
There’s a Dollar General Distribution center on I-10 in the middle of nowhere, Florida. It’s HUGE! Big as anything Walmart has!................
I hate to say I it like this, but my taste is a little more upscale.
Im a Dollar Tree guy
Whenever I’m passing Dollar Stores I check if they have any Hot Wheels I can add to my collection.
The local DG has a good selection but no fresh produce or fresh meat. But it is only 3 miles from me. Plus the prices are comparable to Wall-Mart and items are easier to find in the small store.
The nearest big-box supermarket is a 50-mile round trip away so the DG is great for picking up some stuff without driving to town.
The basic premise behind a “dollar store” is maintaining the economy of scale. Load up a huge 53 foot Semi trailer with product.
Huge trailers though do not fit well on small roads and tight places. Dollar Stores are a safety nightmare for truck drivers because the stores are not built for size.
Rural General Stores have higher prices because of off loading on to smaller trucks.
Dollar Stores are an almost Walmart but without the cheaper modern fork lift unloading. Smaller places do not have the storage space.
Hence Dollar Stores are inherently more expensive than Walmart or Target, but cheaper than a General Store.
And that is the big secret.
So it is only my #6 holding now. Pricing similar to Wal-Mart, convenience similar to 7-11. What's not to like?
I miss Woolworth’s lunch counters