I cannot STAND Chris STIREWALT! He’s a Pathetic excuse for a reporter!
This is harassment of Trump Jr. to get at POTUS Trump, period. Trump Jr. was not elected to anything and there is nothing to be gained from trying to entrap him other then to get at Trump. These two faced POS “republicans” in the senate are not fooling everyone, that’s for sure. And linda with his claims he is going to investigate the investigators is complete BS. He has done squat and the house dems have been making up things to charge people with with no resistance, Jorden and Nunes excepted. The dems are running rings around the repubs as usual. And the worm little marko rubio is one of the biggest POS of all on par with romney, burr and collins. Screew them all.
Chris needs to pass drug tests before he does this again.
Remove Burr as chairman, dammit Mitch!
Stirewalt is a turd!
Stirewalt is an obnoxious, full of himself poseur.........his whole attitude, demeanor and voice sickens me!
They don’t have drug testing at Fox News, I see..........
Can’t believe I wasted my time even reading that nonsense. Chris needs to hop on over to CNN.
Chris Stirewalt that figures.
The Senate voted 100% to deny Donald Trump recess appointments.
They are all anti-conservative globalists. Burr is just one of the worst of the worst.
One No vote would have enabled the duly-elected Republican President. Not Cruz. Not Lee. Not Paul.
Fact free and insane rantings of a long standing Never Trumper. Good to see what the enemy is thinking, though.