My problem with it is that the little guy starting out has to pay taxes. That makes it near-impossible to compete with Amazon when they don’t pay taxes.
“That makes it near-impossible to compete with Amazon when they dont pay taxes.”
Corporations do not “pay” taxes. The corporation’s customers pay taxes through the price of the product. If the company pays additional taxes, they put that amount into the product.
That's like saying you can't open a business in your garage to build 300-seat passenger jets because Boeing doesn't pay any taxes, isn't it?
I ran a modest single person LLC for years. We had more than six figures in revenue every year after the second year. We probably paid income tax every third year. If you know the tax rules, its actually pretty straight forward.
My problem with it is that the little guy starting out has to pay taxes.
Amazon was a little guy 25 years ago.
My problem with it is that the little guy starting out has to pay taxes. That makes it near-impossible to compete with Amazon when they dont pay taxes.
Amazon was a “little guy” when it started. All businesses that lose money don’t pay tax. Especially the little guys. Amazon lost huge amounts of money for years and are legally allowed to carry forward those losses.
What business is it of ours how Amazon runs its business or how the “little guy” runs his. Its called free enterprise. It’s how we became the greatest engine for prosperity in history of world.
We confuse free enterprise with capitalism which is a rigged system and a movement away from freedom and a transition stage to communism. In capitalism, government would give “big guys” favored status and regulatory breaks for campaign contributions. This insures the capitalist immunity from competition and power over his industry.
Just means he has to be smarter, faster, better. Much like the big guys were, when they were little guys.