To: ptsal
We have many FReepers who think Moore was the worst possible candidate and that is why he lost.
Never mind the fact that everything he did was legal and moral, fake Russian bots from the DNC did damage, and between McConnell and the Democrats, $50 million was spent against him in that campaign, along with fake allegations, to boot.
These FReepers are Class 1 Hillary butt suckers who eat excrement for dessert.
41 posted on
12/27/2018 9:20:17 PM PST by
(Trump: Befuddling Democrats, Republicans, and the Media for the benefit of the US and all mankind.)
To: ConservativeMind
If you have a LinkedIn account, then vote with your feet.
44 posted on
12/27/2018 9:25:08 PM PST by
To: ConservativeMind
“Never mind the fact that everything he did was legal and moral”
What the heck does that have to do with anything? Judge Moore said that blacks were better off during slavery (because “children had a mother and father”—when one or both of them weren’t sold to another plantation, that is) than they are today, which prompted a huge turnout among black voters, and his controversial actions as a judge (which twice got him kicked off the state supreme court) and creepy dating habits while in his early 30s turned off enough suburban and rural whites that they didn’t turn out for him, and he did nothing to turn out such vote. Even if Judge Moore was a paragon of virtue, he still ran one of the lousiest campaigns ever and lost what should have been a slam-dunk race for us.
And this is coming from someone who supported Judge Moore throughout all of his judicial controversies, supported him in the primary (something that I now regret; either Brooks or Strange would have skunked Jones (even if the RATs spent $50 million against them, although they likely would have written off the race) and would have been fine Senators, albeit not as good as I thought that Judge Moore would be), and urged conservatives to walk on broken glass to vote for him in the general. But if you want to add me to your little list of FReepers who don’t think that Judge Moore’s mistakes actually were brilliant tactics, be my guest.
51 posted on
12/28/2018 6:37:04 AM PST by
(If a politician won't protect innocent babies, what makes you think that he'll defend your rights?) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson