“Never mind the fact that everything he did was legal and moral”
And this is coming from someone who supported Judge Moore throughout all of his judicial controversies, supported him in the primary (something that I now regret; either Brooks or Strange would have skunked Jones (even if the RATs spent $50 million against them, although they likely would have written off the race) and would have been fine Senators, albeit not as good as I thought that Judge Moore would be), and urged conservatives to walk on broken glass to vote for him in the general. But if you want to add me to your little list of FReepers who don’t think that Judge Moore’s mistakes actually were brilliant tactics, be my guest.
All of Moores past was known by folks in his state. It was the GOPE and Democrat spending ($50 million+), false allegations, and $750,000 on bots by the LinkedIn founder (surpassing what is alleged was spent by Russians on bots for Trump by hundreds of thousands of dollars).