Some synonyms for "fulsome" are "excessive, extravagant, overdone, immoderate, inordinate, over-appreciative, flattering, adulatory, fawning, unctuous, ingratiating, cloying, saccharine". So I'm sure she will make further "fulsome" statements.
This vote will follow her for the rest of her life, as will the consequences.
One wonders how someone as stupid and obviously brain-dead ever got elected to the senate...but upon reflection we realize she has a lot of company.
She thinks with her you know what.
That’s all that matters to her
One thing that’s interesting is the alphabet, yes the alphabet. You see if you understand the alphabet you would realize that Murkowski votes last out of the 4 members being concentrated on.
What if Collins and Flake votes yes and Murkowski does not commit publicly to how he will vote? That would mean that Joe Mancin would have to be the deciding vote when his turn comes up. Am I conspiratorial? Is it possible this whole thing’s a ploy to ferret out Joe Mancin as to his vote?
Look for Joe to change his name between now and the vote tomorrow to Joe Nancin.... :-)
Do to her what Alaskan radicals did to Sarah Palin -— hit her with endless frivolous ethics lawsuits. That’s what I would call fighting back.
Feelings over facts should not be instituted in our government.
I just sent an email to Anchorage Convention and Visitors Bureau telling them that we have cancelled a cruise/tour to Alaska n June, and that we’re encourage other prospective travelers to do the same.
I said they can thank Senator Murkowski for any lost tourism dollars.
Murkowski is a person who herself puts, and is willing to lt others put personal, biased perceptions of “fairness”, when it comes to the courts, ABOVE what is legally fair by the law and the Constitution.
There was and is nothing “unfair” about looking at Ms Ford’s allegations as uncororborated, unsunstantiated allegations NO court would accept as evidence against Mr Kavanaugh. Whatever “fairness” Ms Ford deserved from the Senate was given in the granting of a hearing for her to make her unocroborated, unsubstantiated allegations.
Ms Murkowski, as my old boss use to say when he thought I was looking at the wrong part of a problem: “You’re focused on the hole, not the donut.”
What isn’t fair is torpoeding his nomination based pure hearsay. So much for doing the right thing.....
Sending boofs her and Collins’ way.
Because she couldn’t determine if a stab in the back by Feinkenstein or one in the front was better?
Your statement is pure BS, Lisa!!!!
Just vote Yes, and tell Leader McConnell you’ll be voting Yes ASAP.
You’ll be glad you did!!!! And you’ll know you made the right choice almost as soon as the confirmation goes through!!!!
Muck Furkowski
Murkowski is BFF with DiFi. No way she was every voting for Kavanaugh with her 85 year old friend in the reelection battle of her life.
Murkowski can GTH!
to HELL with her!
and she claims to represent Alaska?
to HELL with her for suppporting the Nazi Big Lie smear job against this well-qualified nominee (even tho he wasn’t my first choice, I have to acknowledge his qualifications) ...
to HELL with Murkowski!
Let’s defeat any re-election she tries to pull off!
A FULL-BLOWN NAZI-dEMOCRAT will be NO WORSE than a socalled Republican who votes with, supports the Nazi.commie leftists
no worse at all!
The stupid, it hurts...
I hope McConnell removes her from the Senate Native Affairs committee. That would put a kink in her treachery.
“people who feel that there is no fairness in our system of government, particularly in our courts, then youve gone down a path that is not good and right for this country.”
Just change “courts” to “Senate confirmation process” and you’ll have it right, Senator.
Details matter.
The bottom line is that the next time Senator Murkowski is up for election, there should have been a long term effort to find and fully fund a Republican candidate to challenge her in the primary.
This is a matter of “party discipline”. If necessary, another Republican should run against her as a Democrat, so that even if she manages to pull through the primary, she will still not be out of the woods.
Republican In Name Only is no longer acceptable, and RINOs need to be systematically purged from the party.