TDs is so bad need a drug to prevent it,.
They are NUTS and it seems like there is no way to fix them.
Sounds like a good reason to ban all demonrats from owning weapons
As the sun rises and sets.
Some are so bat-feces crazy, they can’t even tell what they are after unzipping their pants.
Is there no cure for this deranged mental condition?
You have to be mentally ill to be a leftist. Leftists are the same here, the world over and throughout history...Nasty, unstable tyrannical M-Fers
Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Obama...Hillary.
Yesterday? Tomorrow? Still crazy after all these years. And psycho drugs.
Good for Dr. Rossiter. I tried to read Jonathan Haidt’s “The Righteous Mind,” but Haidt is a lefty. It’s an interesting book and he cites some good research, but in the end I think he has only a shallow understanding of right vs. left psychology.
I have to add to this, I tested over 1,300 folks, throw in the Art Lafer’s curve (He checked economies back 3500 years and determined that when the Government is more than 17% of GNP the economy declines, we are at 25%)
I have been testing people for their management style (same as personality) for my entire working career. Then for 15 years I owned a large consulting company here in Seattle, and tested a many more folks (over a 1,000) for high level positions, as well as for team building in both the public and private sector.
Here is a quick summary: There are 6 basic elements that make us who we are and how we act. Drive (accomplishment), Influence (control over others) Compliance (following the rules) Security (action taken to prevent the unexpected), Energy level and IQ (least important).
The relationship of those attributes makes us who we are. I believe it is determined 70% genetic and 30% cultural.
In High School are egos, are much more sensitive and still evolving. There are actually 9 basic groups of personality styles, but four basic ones:
Task Oriented - These people are driven by accomplishing tasks - they tend to be a bit gruff, and focused on getting things done. Good delegaters, but expect results from their subordinates. About 17% of the population (my estimate) Business owners, managers, etc This describes Trump who also has a very high energy level.
Influencers - these folks are motivated by their control over others. They are personable, look good, and tend to be popular - They tend to be poor delegators, and micro manages their subordinates. Also about 17 %. Politicians (why we’re doomed), Lawyers, Journalists, Academics Marketing & Sales, and entertainers.
Compliant - Detail oriented creative, and steady. Can be counted on - this is about 33% of the population. Engineers, Doctors, Scientists, researchers, teachers
Security Detail oriented also, tends to be conservative, protects status by following direction, steady good friend, and helper. Also about 32% of population, Artisans, carpenters, steel workers, also many engineers, Doctors and professionals.
Now, those 6 characteristics vary from high to low in all individuals so we humans are individually unique. Also some people are able to move from one style to another.
Agree with it... Liberalism is a mental disorder....
The word I have long used is “solipsism” . . . the inability to see an objective reality outside one’s own view of the world around you, a view rooted in self-absorption, in emotion instead of reason. Leftists have become snowflakes, and the Media has become all-emotional yellow journalism. Facts and trust are not important.
Oh wow, I gotta get me this book.
Leftism is definitely a mental disorder. As far as I’m concerned; it’s settled science.
Now we just need a cure. Something that can be put into the water so it fixes every last one of them.
I’m still not opposed to frontal lobotomy’s if needed though.
Let’s start with Mad Maxine and her ilk and the severely impaired like the leftist billionaire Tom Steyer.
Some are mentally ill.
The Democrat leaders are just dirty thieves.