1 posted on
08/10/2018 11:57:36 AM PDT by
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To: dennisw; Cachelot; Nix 2; veronica; Catspaw; knighthawk; Alouette; Optimist; weikel; Lent; GregB; ..
Middle East and terrorism, occasional political and Jewish issues Ping List. High Volume
If youd like to be on or off, please FR mail me.
brought to the settlement of Petzael in the mid-1990s as a tourist attraction. Ensuing Israeli-Palestinian violence
Like the casino in Jericho, if you're going to shoot the tourists, they won't visit.
2 posted on
08/10/2018 11:59:17 AM PDT by
(The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement)
To: SJackson
Well since it’s not pork and tastes like chicken, I don’t see a problem.
3 posted on
08/10/2018 11:59:17 AM PDT by
( ~ Just Consider Me A Random Fact Generator ~ Eat Sleep Fly Repeat ~)
To: SJackson
I think I found the new homeland for the Palestinians: just on the other side of that lake. Swim and you'll be home.
4 posted on
08/10/2018 12:01:41 PM PDT by
(I can't tell if we live in an Erostocracy (rule by sex) or an Eristocracy (rule by strife and chaos))
To: SJackson
Hopefully Israel has not bitten off more than it can chew!
8 posted on
08/10/2018 12:04:38 PM PDT by
(Go to www.CodeIsFreeSpeech.com for 10 FREE 3D-printer gun blueprints!)
To: SJackson
Shooooeeettttuuummmm !!!!!
Hat tip to Mr Landry, and the rest of the cast. Send them to the Promised Land for the season. The question begs, are they considered bottom feeders and thus not Kosher, or will Israeli citizens enjoy the nuggets, where is a Rabbi when you need one ;-).
9 posted on
08/10/2018 12:05:54 PM PDT by
("Do you hear the people Singing? Singing the Song of Angry Men!")
To: SJackson
Pack them up, drop them on Gaza.
10 posted on
08/10/2018 12:05:58 PM PDT by
( " We would not die in that man's company, that fears his fellowship to die with us...." Henry V.)
To: SJackson
Ironic how sometimes environmentalists make themselves the biggest threat to the environment.
11 posted on
08/10/2018 12:06:52 PM PDT by
(There is nothing feminine about feminism.)
To: SJackson
(Oh. I’m sorry. Am I supposed to be outraged? Sympathetic? Sorry. I’m none of the above, but it would seem that the person(s) who thought of the idea should have done some research, first!)
12 posted on
08/10/2018 12:08:38 PM PDT by
Monkey Face
(If you have to hurt other people in order to feel powerful, you are an extremely weak individual.)
To: SJackson
The ex post facto law should mean the government has to take control of them.
13 posted on
08/10/2018 12:08:55 PM PDT by
(The white board is a remarkable invention.)
To: SJackson
Drop off a croc at the home of each lawmaker who voted for that law.
Gift wrapped.
14 posted on
08/10/2018 12:09:24 PM PDT by
(The above is not a statement of fact. It is either satire or opinion. Or both.)
To: SJackson
There is not Israeli violence. There is no such thing as Palesrinians. There is Muslim violence, prompted by their Islamic religion ( see Koran and their satanic clerics promoting terrorist attacks on innocent people ).
16 posted on
08/10/2018 12:09:56 PM PDT by
( "Politicans aren't born, they're excreted." -Marcus Tillius Cicero (3 BCE))
To: SJackson
To make a lame Elton John reference:Crocodiles Rock.
17 posted on
08/10/2018 12:14:32 PM PDT by
(Cogito, Ergo, Ronaldus Magnus Conservatus)
To: SJackson
Build a moat around the wall, stock it with crocodiles. Then export any surplus to the US when we build our wall and attached moat, problem solved.
18 posted on
08/10/2018 12:16:21 PM PDT by
(Making the world safe for nuclear power for over 20 years)
To: SJackson
20 posted on
08/10/2018 12:20:27 PM PDT by
Pearls Before Swine
("It's always a party when you're eating the seed corn.")
To: SJackson
Catapult them one at a time onto a crowd of Gaza “protestors” until the crowd disappears.
21 posted on
08/10/2018 12:21:08 PM PDT by
Tell It Right
(Admiral Ackbar was not a Muslim nor an Ole Miss alum.)
To: SJackson
To: SJackson
25 posted on
08/10/2018 12:31:01 PM PDT by
To: SJackson
When left to their own, with no escape route, the ‘problem’ will eventually solve itself.
But you will have ONE HUGE Croc left to deal with...............
26 posted on
08/10/2018 12:31:46 PM PDT by
Red Badger
(July 2018 - the month the world learns the TRUTH......Q Anon)
To: SJackson
Ship them to Texas as border guards.
28 posted on
08/10/2018 12:34:18 PM PDT by
(Natural Born Citizen Means Born Here of Citizen Parents__Know Islam, No Peace - No Islam, Know Peace)
To: SJackson
29 posted on
08/10/2018 12:36:14 PM PDT by
(Has the FBI been spying on members of Congress?)
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