Posted on 07/14/2018 4:39:21 PM PDT by E. Pluribus Unum
NEW YORK In statements largely unreported by the news media, FBI official Peter Strzok described an alleged debate that took place within the FBI about how aggressively to pursue the Russia collusion investigation based on Donald Trumps poll numbers in the 2016 presidential election. Strzok made his statements about nine hours into Thursdays televised congressional hearing during a section in which he was explaining his infamous August 2016 text message referencing an insurance policy in the event that Trump wins the election.
The insurance policy text that has come up before? began Strzok. That text represented a debate on information that we had received from an extraordinarily sensitive source and method and that typically when something is that sensitive if you take action on it you put it at risk. And so there is a tension there. Maybe we should just roll slow. Take a typical 3, 4-year counterintelligence investigation because the more aggressive you are the more you put it at risk. And some people said that.
Strzok went on to claim that Trumps poll numbers played a role in internal FBI conversations about the speed of the investigation, with he himself arguing for an aggressive investigation when others were advocating for less aggressive tactics.
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Peter Strzok shouldn’t be IN prison; he should be UNDER the prison!
Swear to God these bastards need hangin’ !
So basically he said. “It looks like, based on the poll numbers that Trump isn’t going to win, so we won’t be needing the “insurance policy”. He just flatly admitted right then that they were only investigating in order to keep Trump from being president, not for getting to the truth.
pompous little squirt with a smug smirk! wish I knew how to show the face of of lady justice with her blind-fold replaced with his face. Is this our Justice Department? Must be demoralizing for the honest, hard-working men and women.
Oh wow, what a political policeman this Peter is.
When the Communists listed it as a desideratum to discredit the FBI, maybe stunts like this would be how. Peter knows he’s going down sooner or later but he’s taking it for the loyal team.
Where are Bill Priestap and Admiral Rodgers?
2) He failed to tell his superiors about his adulterous relationship with Lisa Page, a firing offense according to written policy.
3) He wrote the “exoneration” memo on his own computer, which no one else had access to, and which shows a failure to abide by rules of evidence, and which memo Comey used. This self-evident corruption bothered none of his superiors.
4) He admits his superiors knew Hillary's emails were going to a foreign, non-Russian entity (hacked), but did nothing about it.
5) He admits Bruce Ohr passed information (the dossier) from Fusion GPS to the FBI. FBI knew it was dirty but used it in the FISA application.
He made sure he doesn't go down alone.
“... an extraordinarily sensitive source and method...”
I call bullsheist. We’re not talking the KGB and nuclear secrets here.
Yea, Obama told him personally that in case the FBI fails he also has the IRS, CIA and NSA working on alternate plans.
Oh so all these leftists investigating Russian collusion for Mueller are taking the slow track to finding some crime.
But they had to take out all the folks who opposed the Iran deal. They took flynn out fast. And some others I don’t recall because I just don’t keep up with who is who and what is what.
I did wonder if he could be the thread to begin the unraveling of the whole affair. Thought at the time that’s why the FBI were propping him up. That’s why he’s smug; they have to take care of him because he knows so much, and there’s so much more to know! Sure hope you’re right.
“In the unlikely event” that Trump won the electoral vote. I don’t know what extra sensitive information they had? No poll was predicting a Trump win except maybe one that LS followed.
This guy must have rehearsed his answers over and over.
Anyone notice what was going on behind his ear during the intermission when he was chatting with his attorney. Take a close look. Very interesting.
When you do FBI counterintel, you know where a lot of bodies are buried. Getting rid of Strzok will not be easy.
Very frightening to realize how corrupt our government is.
So far the identified or suspected “confidential sources” have been Russians (some of whom were definitely SRV/GRU assets), a suspect British ex-intel officer (and his Russian sources), the leftist Fusion GPS and Mrs. Ohr, the Democratic National Committee, the Clinton campaign, Halper?, Mifsud (don’t know whose side he is on), other bit-players, and most likely Soviet/Russian KGB/SRV/GRU officers themselves in various roles of deception.
If there was an FBI or CIA mole inside the Trump campaign, his testimony would probably NOT be allowed in court for a number of reasons (including illegal search and seizure), official Govt misconduct by the FBI, CIA, DNI, and NSA, for a start.
We have got to remember that a significant number of key US judges are politically corrupt, stupid, biased, or incompetent, all of which favor the Democrats of like positions.
With Weissman’s background in withholding exculpatory evidence in a number of major federal crimes, any case he brings could be thrown out because of official misconduct and bias.
We will just have to wait and see.
I suspect our side has some aces up their sleeves and will throw them down at the right time to destroy any credibility Mueller and his merry band of leftists and hacks.
I can smell something good in the wind.
The Deep State operatives feel invulnerable...and blatantly act invulnerable. Rosenstein, Mueller, this freak here. I guess unless something actually happens - outside of just losing their gig (Hell their patrons can keep them flush, job or no job) - to cause them to act differently, what else can be expected?
Very frightening to realize how corrupt our government is.
Sobering. The people lost complete control of their government, and never had an idea...until now.
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