After 8 years of Obozo, I tune out any democrap who says “our values”. They haven’t got a clue about my values. I like to see military units in parades.
What time?
If it makes a liberal wet his/her panties, I’m all for it.
Rep. Lieu - color him Pinko
Rep. Holmes - color her pinko. Her past is interesting
Sen. Whitehouse - color him insane
Don’t know anything about Kennedy. Probably don’t want to.
In August 2003, my son’s unit came back from service in Iraq with at least one Presidential Unit Citation for putting up the first Ribbon Build (advance pontoon for the old timers) in combat (across the Euphrates which helped the 3rd Infantry Div drive on to Baghdad (4th? Marines coming in from the East), which ended the war.
When they were activated from the Reserves (they were voted the No. 1 Reserve unit in the country by US Army Reserve magazine), our representative, slowly going insane Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA, who I had known for years), didn’t show up to wish them well as they departed for advanced training before shipping out.
When the came back in August (without any casualties despite fighting mujaheedin snipers and remnants of the Iraqi Republic Guards), Moran was not there to greet them.
Well, screw Moran. They had a general little formation parade by themselves and hundreds of family members, friends and strangers, plus senior Ft. Belvoir military officers who cared about their troops.
So if the Democrats don’t want a parade, DON’T COME. You won’t be missed. Cowards and traitors never are.
I was at the Vietnam veterans parade in the 80’s and my kids were at the OIF parade in 2004 (or so). We were among heroes, not Zeros.
How about one awesome military parade; see link. A time when all Americans wanted to honor our returning military heroes, those who God brought home alive. Today’s Liberal haters and the MSM cockroaches who disparage and mock President Trump’s wish to honor our military, should slither back under the rock they crawled out from.
I wish they have one in someplace like Kansas City so more of the supporters who cant travel all the way to DC but can travel to KC can do so.
This is important: a message to the world.
I have to respond as a former member of the military, evidently unable to readjust to civilian life. Well, maybe that is correct. But I for one am not sure how much I want to adjust to this current crop of civilians. When the choice is between vagina head gear in a parade or tanks and rifles, I would always choose the latter regardless of how unpopular I became.
The popular acclaim resides with those who are contra-educated to abhor the Constitution, the virtuous and valorous founding of our country, and classical liberal principles found in values of the Enlightenment. They are perpetual children without essential humanity; empty, ignorant, feckless, emotional, overactive, and under challenged.
It seems to me they suffer from SISD or Self-Induced Stress Disorder.
Ironically, Ted Lieu’s district has an Armed Forces Day parade every year, and he participates. (Torrance, CA).
Trump should say “Let’s just ask the military” whoever wants a parade
They would probably ALL line up
I just don’t like so much hardware offline and in one place. And not ready to shoot.
Why isn’t the Republican John Kennedy doing all he can to distance himself from the other John Kennedy? It’s the least he could do.
I love our country. I have the highest respect for our military.
I think the idea of a huge military parade is stupid. I hated parades when I was 19. None of that has changed.
Marching is the best method to move a lot of people where you need them to be. It is not the best way to show off our strength to the world. How are you going to march the space warriors or cyber warriors? Are we going to roll padded chairs down the street with soldiers carrying keyboards?
If King Obonbon had called for a military parade, the Rats would have been jumping for joy.
I do not even like the constant updates on the latest military tech for all our enemies to see, and parades gives their hawks ammo to demand greater advances in tech and numbers. Better to let them think you are weak and ineffectual, to their latter surprise.
However, what is sad is the diminishing of veterans parades. Connecticut Parade Honoring Veterans Canceled Due to Cost ... if not all that is therein.