So, Droolin’ Joe concedes that the wall will be built.
His generation can’t get any other jobs..................
Great answer, good point and the answer I will endeavor to use in any conversation I can.
Drool Kennedy lives in a bubble. He should try not to drool and foam at the mouth while on TV. Is it rabies, maybe syphilis?
So how many years does destruction of government property get you Droolin' Joe?
What a twerp.
These idiots, have no idea who they are disrespecting. They are the privileged few dictating to the masses, just as demorats always have, failing to acknowledge or learn that the majority of America is behind Trump, and the numbers are growing. As higher take home pay, and wages, and employment continue to increase, he will learn, like it or not, that he is NOT in charge, and that his ilk, ie. the swamp, is slowly being drained. Again, JMO.
I don’t think Kennedy will go far in politics outside of MA.
Perhaps a flood of low income housing near your palace will change your mind.
This wanna-be RAT will do or say anything for attention. Thinks he is another JFK. But, Obama ran and won — but God taught America its lesson, then saved America.
The RATS have nothing to represent nothing...computes I guess. The SOTU address last night said it all when you watched the sour and putrid faces on these trolls that live under bridges.....
Some have pointed out the wall around the Kennedy compound seems to have worked. On careful consideration, while it may have kept out undesirables it does seem to have produced a severe genetic inbred abnormality producing imbecility. May a wall can be a problem. Hmmmm....
Get a real job, Joe.
Ever had one?
Last name Kennedy and from that branch of the name that seems to believe it is above the law/immune from consequences stemming from the laws of gravity, sleeping with babysitters, murder, drug use, relying on the mob to win an election and then pissing on the mob, etc. hmmm.
I drool at the prospects of yet another Kennedy falling on his/her face in the vain attempt to pick up the torch of JFK. His generation?!? Is that the generation that summered in Hyannis?
So naturally, Droolin’ Joe is all in favor of pulling down the wall surrounding the Kennedy “compound” out on Nantucket, right?
...America, we carry that story on our shoulders...
Like dandruff on the shoulders
apples are really falling a LOOOOOOOnnnggg ways from the tree these daze!!!!!!!!!
It sure as hell won’t be drool boy tearing it down. Kennedys have an aversion to actual work.