Somebody call Al Gore!
They all drowned.
I HATE to be the hunted....
Polar Bear: The All White Meat!
Pair of them this morning outside the kitchen window hitting on the bird feeders.
The polar bears return... is there anything President Trump can not do? ;)
I blame the steady supply of Coca Cola.
Polar Bear eats Baby Eskimo Alive.
Good work liberals. Sooo much compassion.
They’re eating all the baby seals!
Coming soon ... news article that starts off with superfluous digs at Sarah Palin. That will lead into drivel that explains why global warming is causing polar bears to invade Alaska and how Sarah Palin is stupid for not knowing that. Ninety percent of “top” scientists will agree. They’ll then blame Christians in general for everything that’s wrong in the world followed by Trump is a Nazi.
Sound about right?
Yes, but those are extinct polar bears wandering all over the place. That's the worst kind.
I remember when a Ship of Leftist Fools went up to the Arctic a few years ago to prove there was no more Arctic ice cap... and they got stuck in the ice and had to walk to some rescue point. I was so disappointed they weren’t eaten by polar bears. That would have been so PERFECT!!!
You guys got it all wrong.
The Polar Bears are thriving due to AlGore’s heroic efforts and the Paris Agreement.
Since Trump pulled out of the Paris Agreement, the poor polar bears will be completely extinct by December 2020.
Polar Bears regularly visit Little Diomede island in the Bearing Sea and the kids who live there are escorted to school by rifle toting elders.
Monica Showalter is Full of shite.
Polar bear populations follow swings in the seal and fish populations. When the seals are scarce, Polar bears go up rivers to feed on whatever they can find. Its actually normal and has nothing to do with global warming. The seal population bounces back and the bears hunt seal either on the ice flows or in the frozen bays, or along the sea shore if there is no ice, then forsaking the river systems for food.
Bears do not die off because of lack of ice. They adapt. That’s why they have not gone extinct like these flaming liberal fascist global warmers will, who do NOT adapt.
Time for an open season???
Canadian Polar Bears Crowd Alaska Looking for Good Health Care!