A muzzie named Jesus. Tell me another one.
“A muzzie named Jesus. Tell me another one.”
That’s as crazy as one named Jose!! ....oh wait.
“”A muzzie named Jesus. Tell me another one.””
Why So Many Latinos Are Becoming Muslims
The man who helped the San Bernadino muzzies get weapons was a Mexican muzzie convert who used his MX name; I think later it was revealed (IIRC) that he had a muzzie name too, could be wrong but not sure about that detail.
But he was Mexican (whether legal/illegal cannot remember) AND a muzzie convert. In the US, Hispanics have the largest number of muzzie converts.
Being muzzie and Mexican is not unusual; white, European ethnicity, black - muzzies come in every color, race, nationality.
>>A muzzie named Jesus. Tell me another one.<<
Part of his cover, like a hood. And there are many “muzzies” who are not from Muzzie countries.