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BREAKING: Antifa Attacking Boston PD At Boston Free Speech Rally
Blue Lives Matter ^
| Aug 19, 2017
| Officer Blue
Posted on 08/20/2017 12:55:32 PM PDT by Fido969
Around 50 people showed up to attend the Free Speech Rally, none of them are known white supremacists and no white supremacist symbols were being displayed.
Most of the people in the crowd are not engaging in violence, but Antifa is using those people as cover to attack the Boston Police officers.
Earlier in the day, near the start of the counter-protest march, an Antifa member attacked a woman who was holding an American flag. The Antifa hit her, and dragged her across the ground as he stole her flag. The moment was captured on video.
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TOPICS: Business/Economy; Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 2016; antifa; antifaduh; antifaviolence; antifirstamendment; blm; bluelivesmatter; bostonrally; freespeechrally; terrorism; terrorist; waroncops
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Where is the MSM and CNN in this?
posted on
08/20/2017 12:55:32 PM PDT
To: Fido969
Time to start hitting back, and putting these mongrels down.
posted on
08/20/2017 12:56:45 PM PDT
(The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men. - Plato)
To: 60Gunner
Happiness is a belt-fed weapon.
posted on
08/20/2017 12:58:14 PM PDT
(Can you imagine if Islam were NOT the religion of peace?)
To: Fido969
Soes Antifa rally in open carry states?
I guess we'll see on Tuesday.
To: Fido969
Need a new group. Antiantifa
posted on
08/20/2017 12:58:52 PM PDT
(Don't pick a fight with an old guy. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.)
To: Fido969
Well, to the extent that they covered it, they covered it yesterday. Which is when it happened.
But don’t worry. Even though Antifa attacked the police and had 27 members arrested for breaking the law, Trump congratulated them on their peaceful behavior so it’s all cool.
posted on
08/20/2017 12:59:46 PM PDT
To: Fido969
Somebody needs to explain to them that liberals are the real fascists. That would probably stop them in their tracks.
posted on
08/20/2017 1:00:05 PM PDT
To: Noumenon
Ma deuce would like to meet them, but I’m not sure I want to go down that road just yet
posted on
08/20/2017 1:00:22 PM PDT
from occupied ga
(Your government is your most dangerous enemy)
To: Noumenon
Happiness is a belt-fed weapon.Amen, brother.
posted on
08/20/2017 1:01:52 PM PDT
(The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men. - Plato)
To: Fido969
Let this go a little bit further. Few more police incidents and there will be no question what Antica is.
To: Fido969
To: Fido969
Expect nothing truthful from the Goebbelsmedia.
posted on
08/20/2017 1:02:46 PM PDT
(Check out "CHAOS AND MAYHEM" at
To: from occupied ga
Ma deuce would like to meet them, but Im not sure I want to go down that road just yetWell, right now we're aren't moving at all. We're in the driveway revving the engine in neutral.
posted on
08/20/2017 1:03:07 PM PDT
(The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men. - Plato)
To: cdcdawg
Antifa ≠ ANTI FAscist
Antifa = ANTI First Amendment
To: 60Gunner
Why are they allowed to wear black masks and hoods. Pull their masks off, book them over and over. Masks are a no no
except at Mardi Gras.
I blame the colluding leftist pols.
George Soros collaborated, colluded, got paid by the WW2
Nazis for herding his neighbors into the labor camps. Now he funds anti Nazi types. How ironic.
To: cdcdawg
“””Somebody needs to explain to them that liberals are the real fascists. That would probably stop them in their tracks.
You can’t be serious.
posted on
08/20/2017 1:06:23 PM PDT
(That progressive bumper sticker on your car might just as well say, "Yes, I'm THAT stupid!")
To: Noumenon
And some bat crazy Belgian Malinois.
To: deep trout
Why are they allowed to wear black masks and hoods. Never mind that the KKK wore masks and hoods, too. I wonder why the propaganda organs ignore that? /s
To: Fido969
You must be wrong! I watched the local Boston newscast last night at 10PM and saw the Mayor and the Police Commissioner talking about how important it is to smash hate groups. Although they didn't use the word “smash” it was clearly understood that that's what they meant.
To: 60Gunner
To me happiness is a well tuned sniper rifle.And the skill to use it.
posted on
08/20/2017 1:08:16 PM PDT
Farmer Dean
(168 grains of instant conflict resolution)
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