You don’t think Holder was corrupt? How about Lynch? You think Janet Reno was working for the people?
The people don’t choose the AG. The AG doesn’t report directly to us. We cannot dismiss the AG at will, any time we like.
Grassley’s slogan makes a nice soundbite but it’s not reality.
If you want to argue it is idealism to expect the AG to be independent, go ahead. You get the government you deserve, and the American people deserved to preceding AGs because they voted for their POTUS. Personally, I see room for a constitutional amendment removing the AG from POTUS nomination. But the American people should expect an AG to operate from a framework of ethics, and not be a hatchet man for POTUS.
If Trump wants to fire the mother scooter, then he should stop being a pussy and do it. But his childish approach of publicly humiliating a man without cause is straight BS. We deserve better representation.