The only thing keeping it up is there isn't anyplace else to put your money.
He has predicted 23 of the last 2 recessions.
Aha! Finally, someone admits that the stock market is being propped up by government spending.
Funny they didn't acknowledge this during Barky's regime.
Could ... Or could not ... eventually ...
Il wait till tomorrow to see what Cramer says
The international bankers regularly pull the plug to drop the market so they can stampede the proles that buy high into selling low. It’s the only way to maximize their profits.
If you don’t buy on margin and don’t need the liquidity, you just wait them out and ride the next wave back up.
If someone does anticipate needing the liquidity within 24 months, it is always a good idea to migrate some of your gains into less volatile storage even in a strong up market.
And while diversity might be bad in the workplace, it is a good thing in the market.
Been hearing this horse crap for three hears. BUY GOLD BUY SILVER.
Crash coming.
Right now, index funds are buying about $800 billion worth of stock a year. This money comes from regular 401K deductions and other auto-pilot type savings. This has a tendency to prop up the stock market, since the people with these payroll deductions do not watch stock prices very carefully, and are saving for the long term.
Of course, it is true something bad will happen eventually....but no one can say when or how. It’s kind of like predicting the end of the world.
-—”We could print enough money that the Dow goes to 100,000.-—
And therein lies the problem. Equities should have had at least one major downturn a long time ago, but the Central Banks would have none of it.
It could keep on going for years on end, or they could pull the rug out from under us tomorrow. No rhyme or reason, just on a whim.
Just about every year there will be a 1 or 2 percent drop in the markets during the dog days of summer. Read Bastille Day July 14 to Labor Day. Some times it is just a computer mal-function for about 2 hours and then the markets bounce right back. Any how, if you sell on July 5th and tell the computer to buy at 5 percent lower you may get a good lower around August 3rd or thereabouts. Or maybe not. Just have some cash on hand and look for a lower price. Sell in May and go away. Get back in after Labor Day. This year the Trump Bump has got the market going strongly during June.
Rapture Ready’s Todd Strandberg has this gem in his latest post:
“It is very likely that the Antichrist will be the king of socialists. He will have a global population worshipping at his feet because he will be handing out spoils like no other world leader. His first task may be to plunder all the bank accounts of all the missing Christians.”
I bet that is exactly what he will do with all the Trillions of dollars in the accounts of missing Christians.
How often has he been correct?
Where have I heard that before?
In 2012, Faber predicted that the S&P 500 index would fall at least 20% within 69 months following the re-election of Barack Obama. As it turned out the stock market went up 235% under Obama's eight years.
Never use politics as a guide to invest in the stock market. I also thought the market would tank under Obama but nevertheless followed my plan and remained invested throughout the Obama years and was rewarded for it.
Having said that some event or events could trigger a crash of 50% in the market at any time. One has to be prepared for it. If one cannot stomach that they should not invest because there is always risk ... and reward.
We’re in a mild bull market, but bull markets don’t end after a slow steady run-up.
They crash after a frenzied soaring buy-up.
That is coming soon.
Here’s a better prediction. The Dow will go down 42.29 points or more from one day to the next, before 2018.
It goes up, it goes down, it goes up.
Would a major correction also wipe out the precious metal market? or the real estate bubble? Would interest rates go up? or down?
How long until we hear the Russians are colluding with the Fed to wreck our economy? If this nut job is right let’s start with him. Dude here’s the not so subliminal for you: Shut the “F” up. It’s time for your next douche . . . wad
Its a house of cards
Any meaningful decline in the stock market will actually drive quite a few states into bankruptcy. Their public pensions are already underfunded, and it will trigger huge revisions in pension and employments costs.