If your god is Baphomet, then yes. Otherwise, not so much.
I’m guessing it’s going to take a Sodom-like disaster to awaken the lost...
This assumption that God is, whatever she said, comes from scripture. In Heaven, scripture says there is “neither male nor female”. This leads to considering also Genesis, wherein God “created them male and female”.
Heaven is not planet Earth, clearly. Lady Transconfusion presumes she is omnipotent? She is in the heavenly state on earth, therefore the commands of God to man do not apply to her?
Anyone can choose any god they please, and they do.
That God created Adam in his image, and that later he created woman to be his companion?
Seems simple to me.
god’s a tranny?
Who knew!
He still can’t hide that Adam’s Apple.
I didn’t know they had their own congregations on mental wards. Interesting.
We are born naked, the desire to wear the clothing of the opposite sex is a cultural fetish; it is not genetic.
In the Jewish conception, God’s physicality is unknowable, though is called “He” as the most effective noun for father, law giver and governor, and administrator of Divine anger.
And “Tell Your Children God Judges Them”
Neither G-d or nature “made a mistake”.
Gene’s are not something where one set designs the body and another the brain - every human cell as the same genetic material given by the human’s two parents.
The body is not made male or female and then the brain made something else.
Transgenderism is a dysphoria regarding the very identity an individual actually has, where for a possible number of mental errors in thinking, which left uncorrected, result in a fixed obsession where the actual identity that one has is rejected. Simply, it is rejecting ones own identity. There is nothing “natural” about that rejection.
Keep in mind who these people are. They approve and laugh along with the “hunky jesus contest” staged by sodomites openly mocking Jesus Christ and his crucifixion every Easter in San Fransicko. They approve and feature in their street fairs sexual toys shaped like crucifixes. They sue churches to force them to violate their doctrine. They create out of whole cloth their own perverted version of the Bible in a “Queen James Version” based on nothing but their desires.
That’s who these people are.
It is nothing but idolatry when we form the God of the Bible into something He isn’t. The leftists have documented a God that serves their interests. Man’s interests are really the root of the whole sin issue.
The first thing to catch my eye was: FEMALE minister.
I believe that only men can be “ministers”. Women get to create life, we are beloved.
as they say, just because you sit in a chicken coop, that doesn’t mean you are a chicken.
Rabbi, Priest should be men.
The Almighty is Curious and Questioning.
But not just about one thing.
We walked by just as he was commenting that "he HAD the RIGHT interpretation of the LORD. Don't LISTEN to the RADIO. Don't WATCH your TV. LISTEN to ME, because I KNOW the TRUTH...." and so on, take that and run with it....
After we were out of earshot, WBill Jr asked, "So... how does he know that he's right and everyone else is wrong? What about our church? I like our pastor."
A fair question, out of the mouths of babes, and it led to a nice long discussion about needing to make decisions for yourself, one day.
Did he/she/it ever hear of the fate of those who slander God or of false prophets?
If you are going to cite Genesis, you should also cite the relevant verses from Romans 1 since this is really an argument about the sophistry of the sexually corrupt.
Metropolitan churches are not Christian churches, My understanding is that they will quote just as readily from any other religion’s sacred text (or any source) that supports the message they are promoting at the moment.
If you believe in everything, you believe in nothing.
From the gospel of homosexuality.
All will kneel trembling before her, or else.