What happened to ‘xir,’? I thought that was the gender neutral pronoun?
‘Did you just assume xir’s gender?’
Shane Bauer @shane_bauer
each time I tweet about the woman getting punched by a white nationalist an alt-right person trolls me about gender being a social construct
1:34 AM · Apr 28, 2017
I call horseshit on this.
I believe I can help. Max - go to the bathroom and pull down your pants & underwear. Do you have dangly parts there or tucked in parts? There’s your clue - dangly = he, tucked in = she. Follow-up with a chromosome confirmation. My bill will be on the way tomorrow.
People who promote and support this should be charged with child abuse. Period.
Here we go, just like the sodomites. “We just want to do our thing, we don’t want to put anyone out”. In fairly short order, it escalated, with the sodomites, to “If you don’t positively celebrate all of our perversion, you’re a pariah from the rest of society and we will make your life hell”. Only I imagine that the timeline is shortened now, because everyone knows it’s a given that in due course, every perversion will be forcibly acclaimed.
Gender cannot be overthrown.
Oh FFS...
What an interesting form of birth control. How can someone gender-fluid possibly lock into 18 years of being a mother, much less 9 months of pregnancy? And how can someone gender-fluid possibly slot into a family provider role? Gender-fluid enables teens to remain 6yo forever - or until Daddy’s money runs out.
Who's in charge? The kid or parents? I gotta find a south pacific island to retire at......
Alas, Brave New Babylon.
Ya gots an innie or an outie when ya popped out.
That’ll do.
At some point in the future they will regard the era we are in as the socialist pc nutbag era.
Gender is for Spanish nouns. If you get the wrong gender you sound stupid.
Sex is for people. If you take the wrong one on a date it’s very embarrassing.
Max isn’t the problem. The problem is NPR and the left takes this mental ill person seriously. Surely Satan is running the show...
I foresee alcoholism, drug addiction, disease, prostitution, mental institutions, rehabs, and suicide attempts in young Max’s bright future
I have long observed that the culture takes its cues from the president, and 8 year presidents have very strong influences on culture.
Reagan was the age of macho. The culture was all about tough-guy manliness during his tenure.
Clinton was the age of debauchery.
It’s hard to define the Bush culture; his phrase “compassionate conservatism” does not really describe the culture. But if anything, he brought in the age of globalism.
Obama gave us the age of sexual deviancy and insanity.
Like other cultural influences brought by presidents, that will pass, albeit with some lingering effects. We are witnessing it at its peak, but the president who created that culture is gone and will feed it no longer. Now, we have President Trump. It is too early to predict what will be the defining themes of his culture, but I think it will be a welcome reversal of the utter insanity that Obama wrought.
npr waste of resources and time.
Max is a pervert nut job.
Pull your shorts down, Max, and we’ll tell you what you are. This isn’t that complicated!
No, they fail biology.