This all goes back to Hillary.
She KNEW Huma’s family was tied deeply into the Mussie Brothers and other devious Islamic misdeeds.
She KNEW Huma was married to a pervert who could not be trusted.
I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again.
Thank God for the pervert Anthony Weiner. If it were not for this sex perv - Hillary would have been elected.
I’ll explain:
Hillary was the only candidate for president ever to be criminally investigated by the FBI. Twice.
Once for her E-mail crimes, Then Comey gave her a free pass.
Later as the FBI was investigating Carlos Danger and his sexts to under aged girls; what did they find on his laptop along with the dick pics and other pervy material?
Missing Hillary Emails.
Which - as much as he did not want to - prompted Comey to open another FBI investigation.
Which was the final straw. The public had had enough. Too much of this Hildebeast.
And she lost the election. In large part thanks to Anthony Weiner.
Hillary was dead before Weiner’s last screw up. Interesting enough even she did not blame him. The Dim’s last minute efforts in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia proves they knew they were vulnerable in Pennsylvania. I had, to my satisfaction, discovered evidence earlier when I spotted someone reading Burrell press clippings in a restaurant. His response to me when I asked about the clippings that all featured Trump was, “The media gave him a billion dollars worth of free advertising.” There was no mistaking the bitterness in his voice.
Without Pennsylvania, Hillary was a goner.
Some very good points. But it still seems odd to thank Anthony Weiner.
Another thing to chalk it up to: Hillary’s carelessness.
Hillary is good at being the front man for crime, but never let her handle the details. Very sloppy and careless. Everywhere she goes she says too much and leaves behind incriminating evidence.
And now she should be a relatively easy mark for Attorney General Sessions and team to spring the trap. She and Bill run the most successful criminal enterprise in the world. And she’s going down — not right away, but when the timing is right.