Posted on 03/26/2017 4:50:39 PM PDT by Mariner
WASHINGTON - Republicans exulted in November when they won the White House and both congressional chambers, promising aggressive moves on health care, taxes and immigration.
But a spectacular stumble on the first agenda item amid intra-party squabbles begs the question of whether the party will be able to get anything done if it cant deliver on a promise it has made for nearly a decade.
We were a 10-year opposition party, where being against things was easy to do, said House Speaker Paul Ryan, faced with the biggest loss of his career. And now in three months time we tried to go to a governing party. We will get there, but we werent there today".
Ryan got his job after House Speaker John Boehner stepped down, often pressed by a raucous conservative wing to take a harder line. But though conservative members groused about Ryans handling of the legislation saying he had boxed out various factions, many expressed confidence Friday that hed retain his seat for practical reasons, as well as political.
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I'm not convinced that a good number of the RINOs are "our guys".
How long did it take the Dems to get a national ‘healthcare’ bill? DECADES!
This O’care in a variety of iterations was in the hopper since the year of the flood. The only reason it got thru in 2010 was because everyone was afraid to deny Obama. Not one R voted for it, just as not one D voted last week to repeal/replace.
This is being exaggerated all across the board. Keep it up and we go nowhere; get past it and let’s just see them come up with something better.
The Republicans in the House are not capable of passing any bill if they believe it will stick and become law.
And the Republicans in the US Senate are worse.
The Folly of Free Trade
John M. Culbertson
From the September 1986 Issue
Mandate worse? I thought there would be no mandated compulsion to buy health insurance under AHCA..
“I thought there would be no mandated compulsion to buy health insurance under AHCA..”
Under the AHCA the mandate is paid to the insurance company instead of IRS.
That’s how modern Republicans get the feds out of healthcare.
Well then we have to understand that we can’t win and we all need to just give up. Simple fact is, it’s what we have to work with. The most liberal republican is the same as a conservative democrat. You have to find a way to convince them, understand that we have to give some things up and move this ship of state right minute by minute.
We did not get here overnight and we won’t get back overnight. Our guys are playing games. They figure they have a lifetime gig and they really don’t care about us. I think President Trump does
That is a very salient question.
Why not reform Medicare and Medicaid after we repeal Obamacare? I guess my answer is that we add to the agenda of MAGA.
That is not what I learned watching 10-12 hours of hearings in congress. What is paid directly to the insurance companies is the SUBSIDY if required by a financially challenged individual.
I, entropy12, shall fully pay my premiums out of my own pocket, and there is nothing going to the insurers. must not ask such difficult questions. Anyone who tries to take away Medicare from the old folks shall have a very short political life.
Put ol Trump on it, he is a hell of a salesman.
Thats why I voted for him.
The Art Of The Deal.
Congress is full of chicken turds.
If they can't get anything done then the swamp stays.
And you are mandated to do so.
By Federal law.
You are mandated to pay your insurance company, instead of the IRS.
Not what I heard in congressional hearings on AHCA. There is no mandate for any individual to buy health insurance. Unless all the republicans in multiple committees were lying.
If one elects to buy health insurance, obviously one pays directly to the insurance company. If one can not afford insurance, then one gets a tax credit AND THAT TAX CREDIT GOES DIRECTLY TO INSURANCE COMPANY.
Yeah the “parliamentarian argument” was a lie by Ryan...the parliamentarian was never consulted:
The bill was a krap sandwich and deserved to die...all the mandates and penalties included (birth control, annuals, pediatric dental, pediatric eye care, “children” on policies until age 26, etc.) and a 30% premium penalty for letting your heath insurance lapse.
The GOP could introduce a real repeal bill next week if they wanted excuses!
Re: 30% penalty for lapses in coverage (paid to the insurance company)...section 133 of the bill:
(2) AMOUNT OF PENALTY.The amount determined under this paragraph for an applicable policyholder enrolling in health insurance coverage described in paragraph (1) for a plan year, with respect to each month during the enforcement period applicable to enrollments for such plan year, is the amount that is equal to 30 percent of the monthly premium rate otherwise applicable to such applicable policyholder for such coverage during such month. “
Actually I see it as more taking it back slowly. The dems incrementally moved the country to left. Too far for the majority of Americans. We have to turn it around and go the other direction. There is no way to immediately change it.
Hogwash. Please name anything\time the (R) have moved *anything* ‘back’? DEMs will fall on swords to make HUGE strides in forwarding Socialism in the U.S. The (R) can’t even make baby steps back.
O’Care was a case study. Now, the (R) are attempting ‘fix’ the damn thing; doesn’t matter it was wholly anti-A1S8 and any number of other Amendments...
Hell, they can’t even defund PP\NEA\PBS\etc., just a partial % of the budget; yet they expect to us to believe they can be fiscally responsible (after giving Zero\DEMs a blank check over and over again)??
No, nothing in govt *STAYS* small or reduced. It MUST be done immediately and totally to be effective. Enough of the 1/2 measures that only create election year, “Vote\donate for\to me and I will fight against XYZ...” sound bites.
They had 7 years. They have had since November to put this together. A leader plans, a leader strategies, a leader would have put together a group to put this bill together long before to became public. We could have lost a few, but a public flop that reflects bad on the President in inexcusable
Maybe you missed the 6 bills they PASSED already? This last piece-o-sh!t wasn’t just something they cobbled together at the last min., this was the dusty (R) version of RomenyCare. They don’t care about the Constitution, only that THEIR name\side is the one driving.
This is a failure of leadership in congress. Next time get it approved by the house, invite the senate to participate (they may want some things left out that they can fix) LEARN HOW TO LEAD!
Problem is expecting ‘leadership’ from govt., and more so from the (R) ranks. Govt is the PROBLEM, not the solution. Plus, with the 17th A., the Senate is no better than the House.
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