June 5, 2004 was only the 2nd time in my adult life that I broke down in tears and sobs.
I was undergoing my fourth round of fertility treatments that day and swore I would name any girl child I had Reagan.
I was at work that day, and a group of people had gathered in the lobby to watch the only TV allowed in the building. These were active-duty and retired military men and women, and nearly all of them, including me, were crying quietly as we watched the funeral. I still miss Ronaldus Magnus.
I know what you mean.
I was OK until the hearse and other vehicles were going up the hill to his ranch. Ordinary people had parked their cars on either side of the road and had gotten out of their cars. You could see the ocean in the background.
People started waving goodbye to him. Like they were giving a send off to a friend.
I still tear up, thinking of that.
He was our friend. And President. The last American President until Trump.