How about modernizing Mexico. It's a slum living off the USA.
Might want to read that whole Art of the Deal thing before they start throwing tantrums
Wow that’ll work.
Oh noes!
Mexico must have hired Hillary Clinton’s advisors to follow such a stupid path.
Prediction: Immigration from Mexico to reverse and start rising very rapidly, very soon.
Funny how Trump operates from the big picture down instead of the other way around with these fools, including the establishment and press. They are playing right into his hands and they will be the ones who did the quitting.
All of them are driving themselves right into the abyss by the Big Beautiful Door that Trump has opened especially for them.
And, business day three has not even gotten a good start yet. Then think of this, with Melania and Barron tending to the family issues in NY, The Donald is not hampered in any way for his schedule other than the hired help being able to keep up.
I imagine Mexico’s negotiating team just woke up and is trying to bluff as if they haven’t spent the past two decades boasting of the great deal they received.
Got news for ya, buddy. We know what your position is fully. Bluffing won’t work. You can’t walk away from this.
“if the discussions hit a wall.”
He said “hit a wall.”
Translation: "If we can't continue to rape the American economy, then we'll quit."
Take a hike, Mexico.
Why do rich countries keep including these Second and Third World dumps in these trade deals? Why couldn’t NAFTA have been just the U.S. and Canada? Why does the EU add poor eastern European crapholes?
PresidentTrump has promised they will indeed HIT A WALL that they will be paying for.
This like a kid coming to your door and demanding you have Snickers bars for Trick-or-Treat. When you say: “No.” The kid threatens not to come to your house on Halloween.
My primary belief about Mexico is that it’s number one export is its citizens to the United States - illegally and underhandedly.
Any nation that schemes to rid itself of liabilities it does not wish to address and pawn them off to another country, solely to satisfy its own elitist, selfish gluttons is NOT a nation with which to do honest business.
Using the expression “hit a wall” is pretty funny.
“Mexico ready to quit NAFTA if US talks fail”
Hey, we understand.
Good, sooner NAFTA ended, the better. Set up a bilateral trade deal with Canada only.
Good. Hasty la Vista and no more Mexican trucks and truck driver-s in America.