The Palestinians have said that an embassy move would kill any prospect for peace...
Yeah and we were ThisClose!! :)
destroy the peace process???? another lie, another bottomless pit to dump money into, a peace process that dates back 60 years or more, what peace process
What peace process?
So, how many times has Ekrema Sabri and friends declared war on us already?
an EXCELLENT first step ...
(next, I pray, DJT will clean the Nazis out of the SnakeDept and our defense/intelligence/security agencies where Obama especially liked to put them)
close down the “palestinian” delegation in WashDC and try to also close down the Moslem Brotherhoood terrorist front group which is what I believe both CAIR and JStreet are, in essence
make sure Soros=funded outfits do NOT get access to influence American policy or governmental decisions!!!!
an EXCELLENT first step ...
(next, I pray, DJT will clean the Nazis out of the SnakeDept and our defense/intelligence/security agencies where Obama especially liked to put them)
close down the “palestinian” delegation in WashDC and try to also close down the Moslem Brotherhoood terrorist front group which is what I believe both CAIR and JStreet are, in essence
make sure Soros=funded outfits do NOT get access to influence American policy or governmental decisions!!!!
What is this, ‘peace’ those goat-humping Palis are always talking about?
Why not move our Embassy to The Cradle of Civilization?
I Stand With BiBi! Always!
perhaps this will bring the P’s (which ones, Hamas, Fatah, Jordanian contingent, i don’t know) to the bargaining table. perhaps not. meanwhile there will be less and less to bargain for. just sayin’
If the muzzies want war...that can happen.
But Mr. Maddow says Trump is against Jews and an anti-Semite.
“Sheikh Ekrema Sabri, imam of the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, has previously warned that relocating the embassy would be as good as a “declaration of war”.
“Donald Trump has said repeatedly that he intends to relocate the US embassy to Jerusalem, despite warnings the move would violate international law and destroy the peace process.”
International Law. The Piece Process. Bah! Every time I hear those words, I deliberately break wind. (adapted from quote of Al Ginzberg)
So called Islamic peace is limited to believers, not the humanity of non-believers! Muslims know this better than non-believers, infidels & Kafiers!
The Palestinians have said that an embassy move would kill any prospect for peace.
And here Rachael Mancow said Trump’s speech was anti-semitic.
Wow, talk about shaking things up. Trump moves quickly.
The conventional warnings about jeopardizing the “peace process” are hard to take seriously. For how many decades and through how many administrations has the peace process dragged on now? I think this actually increases the chances of a resolution simply because it jolts things out of their rut. It will provoke a crisis but it will be a productive crisis.
“Violate International Law?”
What international law is that?
Thank God!
[Donald Trump has said repeatedly that he intends to relocate the US embassy to Jerusalem, despite warnings the move would violate international law and destroy the LAND FOR WAR AND NOT FOR peace process.] Truth is truth.
President Donald Trump is right as it is PAST time to admit that the Islamic terrorists surrounding Israel on all sides are not for peace, war is in their heart. Show me a peaceful Muslim and I will show you one who a heretic to the written Koran, Islam is commanded in their Book to kill all Jews and Christians and enslave all who are not Muslims to fulfill their ungodly religious Caliphate. How long till Americans wake up, they have been asleep for so long and are the sleeping giant that must wake up to the truth. The truth will set them free from the lies of global socialism and Islamic terrorism and....... Jesus Christ is the way and the truth and the life, the one mediator between God and man. He is Lord of all and all will know that one day. God bless and save both Israel and America from the enemies without and from within, the liberal leftist fools.
You just have to love Donald J. Trump more and more every day. Yea, he may have been a jerk in his younger years - but if any man presented “fruits worthy of repentance” (Luke 3:8) it would be our 45th President.