I’m not a Trump fan but this is the wise and obvious thing to do. The modern economy runs on energy.
Energy Independence is a matter of National Security.
I think what separates those of us who argued in favor Trump early and argued in the face of you "I'm not a fan of" people with the egotistical self righteous pious attitude is that we didn't care if we were fans or not, we believed supporting him was, as you say 'wise and obvious.'
I don't care if you're a fan, and I don't care if I'm a fan, personally, of Trump. Supporting him was the wise and obvious thing to do.
God never said He would use people of whom you or I am a fan.
Forgive me if I've misread pious damnation behind faint and arrogant praise. It seems to me Trump's theatrical and intentionally arrogant act, of which he's totally aware and in control, brings out the real, actual and unconscious arrogance and pride of his personal detractors - unconscious arrogance which self-hypnotizes those detractors and is much of why he is beginning to bore us with besting them. If, in this case, 'them' refers to 'you' ... then let the shoe fit.
There are online forums that are primarily populated with people such as yourself. If you want, I can give you the web address of a forum where you'll fit right in. It's full of ex-Freepers, too.
Your not a Trump fan?? Oh tell us why, what Trump policies are you not a fan of?
You one of those lesbian clergycritters who are twitting #repenttrump?