sorry I forgot the link
A S S I M I L A T I O N !!!!
M O T I V A T I O N !!!!
I don’t see a lot of Asians terrorizing neighborboods , killing police, and burning cars.
That explanation does not explain how Asians score higher on standardized tests and in general perform better academically than whites OR blacks.
I've seen this happen over and over again.
There are two important exceptions to this rule:
1. This assimilation never happens if the people from the "outsider" group have no interest in assimilating.
2. This assimilation never happens if the people of either group are morally bankrupt and/or culturally dysfunctional.
I like to tell the sjw AAs that will listen - it’s not your COLOR that folks don’t like - it’s your ATTITUDE. Lose that chip on your shoulder and you’ll be amazed at how much of the “racism” you experience simply melts sway...
Yep - they integrated into society and exercised a lot of self responsibility - what a shock.
Average IQs of 105 and first class family values, high educational pursuits
I used to work with two guys who’s families had been interned during WWII in SoCal
They were both smart, educated, hard working and did NOT exhibit permanent bitterness like a certain other group.
Asians are not monolithic. Vietnamese, Filipinos, Koreans, Japanese, Chinese (of various types), and many others.
I think the same can be said for the Mexican community
This article is dishonest and ridiculous. The author tries convert the outstanding performance of Asian Americans in their education achievements and work productivity to just a public relations success due to white America’s racist attitudes towards blacks. The problem is that practically all Asian cultures value education and instill that into their children, and most American blacks, not all, consider education uncool and demand nothing of their children in terms of education or work ethic. And the results are obvious.
Maybe it all happened because they have such strong family values and encourage good behavior. Go to a Chinese restaurant and look in the corner, there are their kids doing their homework. Is it any wonder? Ever notice that in any non Chinese restaurants? The Chinese are not cry babies, they don’t whine and demand things. They work hard toward their goals and accomplish them.
There is something to that theory, of giving the Asians a bias of positive presumptions. This may have happened as a way to compare the tactics of one minority (Asians) to those of another (Blacks) in order to assimilate and become productive Americans. Many times a person or a group of people will be deeply affected by the prevailing expectation society has for them.
Meaning, if the preponderance of your social group expects you to ‘eventually’ become an unemployable, perpetually envious, lawless, ward of the state, chances are high that you will become that way, or have to make a decision not to.
If your immediate social group has other expectations of you, like close family ties, good problem solving skills, a high work ethic, a entrepenurial drive , chances are this will be what awaits you unless the individual decides otherwise.
There are good and bad people in all races, but society may treat you differently at first encounter. The decision would be based on the soft bias of low expectations.
or its because Asians know how to stop whining, start behaving, and try working!
Or because they are family oriented, goal oriented and worked their butts off?
OMG, like it’s a complicated mystery! Any reasonable person knows why. Let’s do a real quick, easy summary. They...
Learn and speak common American English successfully, everywhere.
Study successfully.
Work successfully.
Make strong families.
Respect their elders.
Don’t continually talk of their race and claim racism against themselves.
Don’t break laws more than the societal average.
Are kind and sociable with whites.
Are not gibmedats and dindu nuffins .
A relatively recent movie on racism towards Asian Americans is Grand Torino. I would highly recommend this Clint Eastwood movie.
Asians are perceived as being hard working, intelligent, responsible people willing to assimilate into American culture because they are.
I don’t think any of this is true. The real reason Asians have done so well is two fold. Firstly they assimilate. After a child is born in the US they have no accent. They think and talk American. In China they call these people ABCs (American Born Chinese). They look the same but real Chinese know they are very different. And they have little clinging traits. They are as likely to live in a white neighborhood as a mixed race or Asian neighborhood. Additionally, the Asians that come here are not the average Asians, they are coming here for college. They are the cream of the cream. So of course they do well. The average Asian came here a 150 years ago to work on the railroad. And they still lived in ghettos in the wast coast cities.
African Americans came to American largely on slave ships. Not only were they not creme. They were often the bottom of society. And they grouped. They still cling to ghettos of almost all blacks. Many could live anywhere but choose to be near other blacks. Also, they speak ghetto even if they can speak perfect American English. So, while individually they can escape the ghetto, many are not really trying. They just want to be the richest person in the ghetto.
of course "racism" has grown to mean anything terrible the whites do , have done, will do, or even think about...its all bad because we're white....