Posted on 10/30/2016 4:52:11 PM PDT by taildragger
I’m getting greedy, I’m starting to itch for something to come out that takes osamabama down. It’s already been proven he lied to the Amurrican pipple about knowledge of the private email server.
Hopefully at least like nothing any of us have seen since 1973. I realize many may not have been around then.
Videos, or it didn’t happen.
The mechanics of her mouth movements are so distracting that I can't possibly focus on what she's saying. She's annoying to the nth degree.
I just heard on fox that that Boehner BUTT BOY Darell Issa is losing because thousands of Trump supporters are not voting for the TRAITOR!! Issa SUCKS — We will get it back with our real party and TRUMP next time. Screw Issa!!
Sure was. I remember his overconfident position that Hillary was going to win. Pirro answered him iirc.
“”Every once in a while Doug shows a bit of sanity in his thinking. NOT OFTEN! But every once in awhile.””
Thanks. Yes, he does and has. He hasn’t had his head in the sand all these years. Occasionally, he has made some good sense and points. He was NEVER the caliber of a Juan Williams or Alan Colmes. Not at all! He never elicited a groan in our house when he came on a show. Give credit where credit is due.
LOL. Like most Dem voters.
How abot a link?
It’ll be the biggest landslide for Trump in modern American history.
After decades of loser leadership who did nothing but appeased the globalist while sending the country into decline in every direction, it finally caught up with the business as usual corrupt insiders. The jig is up not only for the Clinton’s, but D.C. as a whole. There is going to be a major overhaul and new Pro-America business model for this government. For example, no more squandering and handing out the American treasure around the planet. Trade deals which only benefit corrupt insiders, foreigners and our enemies, are coming to an abrupt end.
Everything, tone of voice, facial ‘down in the dumps’ expression and posture. Almost a ‘give up I surrender’ demeanor. They may know more than they’re able to say on TV too. . I’m suspecting that’s the case.
just heard on fox that that Boehner BUTT BOY Darell Issa is losing because thousands of Trump supporters are not voting for the TRAITOR!! Issa SUCKS — We will get it back with our real party and TRUMP next time. Screw Issa!!
I believe God's hand has been on Trump for several years--maybe all his life--preparing him for this election and the presidency.
It may be bigger than that. 30% of likely voters won’t vote for her.
Yeah, even though Pat Caddell is a dem and his electoral map is factored towards Hillary, I think he’s basically a straight shooter. . he’s older, been around, conveys a certain wisdom. . . Will be interesting to see if he changes his map over the next few days.
Why do we have to respect him for “doing the right thing” when he didn’t do the right thing?
The right thing would be to support Trump. Anything less is aiding and abetting evil, period.
While we’re at it, where are Ryan, McCain, Bush, and all the other GOPe traitors? Crickets. They still love their cohort in crime.
Yes! That’s when I last saw him and he was very loud and agitated!
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