more and more I recall the words of Ronald Reagan...
“I didn’t leave the party, the party left me”
Beck apparently missed the story of Bubba and Monica...and Bubba and...etc etc
Anyone supporting the election the Criminal Illiarily is a traitor and/or being paid for their support.
And Glenn, how about banning rap music with offensive lyrics, or asking the President to resign since he likes Kanye West's music.
My contempt for Beck and clown posse can’t get any higher.
But is it acceptable to help an immoral woman who is absent decency or dignity be elected POTUS?
Beck’s ethics = criminal invaders, more cop killings, more muslim terrorism, more drug smuggling and at more liberal SCJ.
Glad i don’t have any ethics!
Why do Mormons oppose Trump? do they want everyone else to believe they are holier then thou.
Does he think this self-righteous nonsense will win back an audience?
Go climb a tree Glenn.
He’s just mad that Trump never tried to grab him by his P*ssy.
Yes, the day after the election of Hillary, all of the phony conservatives will be out screaming how we have to stop her agenda!
“You who is without sin, cast the first stone...”
Most good in Scripture, and history, came from flawed/vile people who decided to do right. Sure, consider 11 years ago, but what of their yesterday? Today? Tomorrow? Hillary has already declared 1/4 of Americans her enemy subject to oppression.
He must be back on the drugs and booze.
Glenn Beck is an un-medicated manic depressive and should be hosptialized.
Glenn Beck? Never heard of her.
Have another drink Glenn, thar’s a few rotten brain cells that need a killin ...
opposing Trump: It's the "moral, ethical choice"That must be Soros and his money talking.
Next he'll be singing the praises of Van Jones and Vallerie Jarret
If one helps to elect an immoral man to the highest office, then one is merely validating his immorality, lewdness, and depravity.
You are electing Billary.
Will you then March against her under the banner you voted for the least evil of candidates?
Gary Johnson is pure as the driven snow? He walks on water and can feed thousands of people with just a couple loaves of bread and some fish?
The last guy who could actually do that carried your burden on a cross.
Put down the stone Glenn and sit amongst the rest of us.
Beck is one of the ones who will be responsible for Hillary’s victory in November.
1. Beck is pronouncing himself a “moral, dignified man”. Yeah, right.
2. A moral, dignified person should chose the best of the available imperfect options. Clinton is the most cynical, corrupt, incompetent, amoral, dishonest, power-mad crook in modern times, and feeble in the bargain. Kaine is a communist clown, fit perhaps to sell popsickles as a bike vendor in Cuba. Trump is a highly successful, crass, self-promoting, meretricious, undereducated, inarticulate, womanizing jerk who understands the decline of America and wants to reverse it. Pence seems to be a solid, decent, dignified man, with knowledge, experience, and an executive temperament. He is by far the best of the bunch.
Beck should vote for Pence, who Trump will have running the government.