Violent gun culture lives in two places - Hollywood movies and inner cities.
Still nauseating. Author is an incredibly stupid pansy with delusions of competence.
Spaghetti westerns reflect Italian culture, not American values. Which is why I loathe them.
Once again blaming everything except personal
I too have lived with guns all my life; my father was a custom reloader/gunsmith (as a hobby) and I’ve probably forgotten more about guns than this twinkie ever knew.
Yet in all that time, I never saw guns as “violent.” Powerful, yes. Even the humbler .22 is capable of punching through a couple of Sears catalogs. But I wasn’t any more scared of guns than I was of my dad’s electric saw. And I never saw (!) either of them commit any acts of violence.
Fast forward 50 years into a culture that glorifies criminality and apologizes for racist thugs and suddenly guns are to blame for violent crime?
I never wish to fire a gun in self-defense either. However, given a choice between firing a gun in self-defense or not having one when my life, my wife's life, or my children's lives are in danger, I will make the only moral decision, and that is not to be a pansy/sissy/liberal (whatever the politically correct term is for someone with no guts).
When I was a kid, I had toy guns, BB guns, and REAL guns. And I knew the difference!
Did any real kid ever say “Let’s play guns!” ?
We played gun games all the time. We wanted to be be just like our movie heros. We had silly old fashioned fantasies of being like John Wayne or Roy Rogers. We wanted to protect women and children and the helpless and then modestly ride into the sunset. (Or maybe get the pretty girl) Good thing society has changed and we now hold Pajama boy in higher esteem than archaic characters like John Wayne.
Sheesh, this guy must be getting paid by the word. “Gosh, Hollywood sure makes a lot of movies with gunfights.”
The author lives in his own made up fantasy world.
How long ago it seems. We played cowboys and Indians when I was a kid. Sticks were our imaginary rifles. Some kids had cap guns as their pistols. Those who were the Indians used sticks and kite string to make a bow and shot imaginary arrows. I don’t recall anyone getting hurt other than the occasional scrapped knee suffered when falling while chasing or running from the other side.
Because inner city youths watch soooooo many westerns. Or something like that.
The article starts with a lie and some people feel obligated to argue the point based on accepting that the bedwetter has some valid point.
“Gun violence” came from the left’s failed attempt at “gun shaming”. The left was losing the argument of ideas. They need to conduct guerrilla warfare against the populous to bring them back. They taught our children not to respect life or authority. They taught them to accept violence as the only alternative to argument.
When children played guns, people didn’t shoot up Theaters, Schools, malls or campi. That fact simply shows that his initial premise is nothing more than a manufactured lie based on a false narrative.
Well he get the timing wrong on that. A Fistful of Dollars and For a Few Dollars More preceded Bonnie and Clyde. The Good The Bad and the Ugly was released a few months after Bonnie and Clyde in the US.
The comments will restore your faith in humanity.
The author feels guilt, has never owned a gun, never served. he is a wuss..
“Let’s play guns!”
Nobody said was cops and robbers, cowboys and indians or army.
Just tipped his hand he’s a liar.
Listen up, Blades, you freaking MORON. I was born in 1941. Along with every boy I grew up with, we played “gun” games probably thousands of times. Soldiers, cowboys, hunters and hoodlums, you name it. We had cap guns, BB guns, and .22s. When we got old enough we had bigger guns, shotguns, etc. And we shot at tin cans, dumpster rats, rabbits, squirrels, opossums, and other critters. And later we shot at North Koreans, Chinese, Vietcong and other enemies of America. And more recently some of us became law officers and shot at violet criminals. But, of the 30+/- guys I’m referring to, NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM EVER COMMITTED A FELONY WITH OR WITHOUT THE USE OF A FIREARM. So I have request for you: FUC OFF!