There are numerous articles written within two days of Seth Rich’s death, containing comments by people who knew he was involved in DNC voter registration; DNC email; or might be spilling the beans, or had spilled the beans.
Here are a couple comments made by someone on July 12 that hit pretty close to home.
MarineMSgtLeader 12 Jul
It wouldn’t be the first time someone closely connected to the Clinton’s committed suicide by shooting themselves multiple times, in the head or elsewhere.
MarineMSgtLeader 12 Jul
He was murdered for a reason, and it wasn’t because of his sexual orientation. It was political. To make light of it in any case is reprehensible. If you’re not a part of the solution, then you are a part of the problem.
MarineMSgtLeader 12 Jul
This was a sharp young guy. No way he could have NOT known about the dark side of the Clinton’s. But he showed a human weakness.... a bit of humanity that was not a help to HilLIARy or her campaign. From that point, he’s damaged goods and might have been exploited in the future by those evil Republicans.
MarineMSgtLeader 12 Jul
Key word is “looks”. You can rest assured he was quite an asset to the DNC, and he was on TV quite a bit supporting HilLIARy and Obama.
But he crossed a line, he stood up and called for unity. That is the antithesis of what the DNC stands for. They are dividers, haters, users and racists. At that point, his fate was sealed.
Another Clintonista bites the dust.
MarineMSgtLeader 12 Jul
The trail of bodies extending from the Clinton’s criminal enterprise continues to grow, to over 50 now.
Missing the point. There were threads here that wondered if he was murdered. I was on them.
Where in your posts is the meeting with fbi claim made as if it was a fact
If Drudge is running with this there is definitely something to it.