Posted on 08/07/2016 6:26:47 AM PDT by Kaslin
To say that Barack Obama is an ideologue isnt going to make national news at this point, that much is a given. Anyone with a pulse and an IQ over 6 has known that since before Obama took office in 2008, and even most liberals not registering any brain activity would have admitted as much once Obama secured his re-election in the 2012 election. Its also not major news to say that Obama and his administration have been the most corrupt administration in recent memory, or that they subscribe to the philosophy of, The ends justify the means, the Constitution be damned
With all that said, if recent weeks have shown us anything at all, they have shown us that Hillary Clinton is infinitely more corrupt than Obama, even more of a sociopath, not to mention a stone-cold killer when you consider that FIVE of her political enemies died from very strange and mysterious deaths in the last SIX weeks alone, making the number of dead former Clinton associates totaling 67 people. Coincidences? Hardly! Well, it gets worse
Following the conventions, a pattern has emerged from the polling: Donald Trump has taken a commanding lead in all demographics. From the well to poorly educated and even out-performing Romney among women and Hispanics. According polling aggregates the only demographic Hillary is winning is African American single women and White College Males with advanced degrees in Social Sciences.
If that's the case, then how is Hillary Clinton leading in all the polls considering THIS was the scene at the Democrat National Convention (below) WHILE Hillary was speaking (if you listen you can hear her)?
How Totally Empty DNC Was As Hillary Spoke (Listen)
Todays Real Clear Politics average has Clinton leading Trump with Clinton having 47%, and Trump having 40%? How is that possible? In a recent interview with a member of Nate Silvers VERY liberal 538 group, reports that the 538 insider said:
"Surewhat? You think it's . . . random? Come on. Who do you think pays for the polls? People who want results. You're buying media. It's like ads or . . . I don't know. Like newspaper stories? You pay 30k for a poll of Florida, it says what you want."
Wow. Thanks to Wikileaks, we already know that the DNC deliberately rigged the Democrat primaries to make sure Hillary won. One family that needs no reminding of the fraud the DNC committed is the Lucas family. Shawn Lucas was the person who delivered the service of process to the DNC office advising Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC that they were parties to a national class action lawsuit for defrauding the American people.
Sadly, just this week, Shawn became one of the FIVE Clinton adversaries to die from mysterious deaths in the last SIX weeks. There are conflicting reports about whether Shawn died in his sleep, or on his bathroom floor. The fact that details are being kept very quiet should raise suspicion. The fact that a DNC insider is saying Hillary is paying for her commanding lead in the polls should terrify you. As I've been saying, and will continue say moving forward:
"The political class and the globalist controlled corrupt mainstream media are using lies and cover-ups to lead the masses directly into the voting booth in November to vote for Hillary. Once she is elected, Hillary will personally lead the sheep to slaughter."
The video below goes into more detail:
Don't Believe Mainstream Media Nonsense! Clinton Being Pounded in Polls (Video) reports:
Following the conventions, a pattern has emerged from the polling: Donald Trump has taken a commanding lead in all demographics. From the well to poorly educated and even out-performing Romney among women and Hispanics. According polling aggregates the only demographic Hillary is winning is African American single women and White College Males with advanced degrees in Social Sciences.
We spoke to a source who works at Nate Silver's political advocacy group
RealTrueNews: "Is it fair to say that Silver is worried?"
538 Source: "In a panic. Our business model is predicated on making liberals feel better about the election. Right now? It's a disaster."
RTN: "So what are you doing?"
538: "Well, we're changing the model for starters. There were a few hours when the server was showing the real projections and while traffic was pretty high, let me tell you, it was a melt-down politically."
RTN: "What do you mean?"
538: "Well, Nate's a liberal. No secret there. When he saw what was happening he flipped out. Had us look for bugssomething gone wronglooking at the feeds. Of course nothing was wrong. Nothing had changed. Then he got on the phone with his people embedded with Q-Pac and Survey Monkey and PPP and all those guys"
538: "Huh? Oh, yeahit's a big social club. The pollsters all work together. We have a Slack-room that's sharing all kinds of results and skews and all that. That's how we keep it all orderly."
RTN: "Orderly?"
538: "Surewhat? You think it's . . . random? Come on. Who do you think pays for the polls? People who want results. You're buying media. It's like ads or . . . I don't know. Like newspaper stories? You pay 30k for a poll of Florida, it says what you want."
RTN: "But what about on election day?"
538: "Ohwe drive it. You set the expectations ahead of time. It's called pre-loading. You'd be surprised how we can fine-tune things. Mass belief is powerful. The problem here is (a) not everyone plays nice. Fox is rogue. Rasmussen was . . . bad. They were doing real polling. Also, there's like a game of chicken. At the start of the cycle we do real polling so that everyone knows how they better buy in. This time . . . Trump just caught us by surprise. The impact was so bigit came on so fastHillary just collapsed."
RTN:"Whatwhat happens next?"
538: "I don't know, man. There are a bunch of smaller groups out there doing real polls. I don't know if anyone can keep this under wraps. They had to talk Silver off the edge of the building yesterday. It was bad."
RTN: "He was literally going to throw himself out a window?"
538: "Yeahhe waswell, but we're on the second floor. He was just really pissed. I mean, he got a call from the White House telling him to fix it and shit."
RTN: "Wow."
538: "Wow is right."
Right about now I am reminded of something I heard a week or two ago on a recent episode of The Official Hagmann & Hagmann Report. It was something Dave Hodges of the Common Sense Show said that has really stuck with me. He said:
We are at a crossroads in history
We are being given a chance. We as a country are being given a chance to make some substantial changes spiritually, emotionally, physically, economically, politically
we have a real opportunity we will not get again in my lifetime
and our window is short. Our window is very short.
As much as I’d love to believe all of this....I’m skeptical.
Polling is a business, what business wants to shoot it’s own credibility to hell? Where are the so called ‘rogue’ polls? Fox news is supposedly one of those rogue polls and it is just as ugly for Trump as the other mainstream polls.
This reminds me of that story back in 2012 during the campaign....I can’t recall the website, but I learned of it from a freeper thread. Anyway, the guy claimed that the Obamas had purchased a house in Hawaii and all plans were together to move in since the campaign ‘knew’ Romney was going to win.
These supposed secret behind the scenes stories don’t really do any of us any good, except to falsely get our hopes up.
I’m afraid you are correct.
I hope she wastes millions on Fake Rallies
polling was wrong in 2014, 2015 KY Gub, and Brexit most recently. 2012 was an eternity ago.
Michael Depinto had better watch his back or he’s likely to end up #7 on the Clinton/DNC hit list......
Okay, the fake sounding dialog with the 238 guy comes from a site called “realtruenews” which is obviously satirical.
Looks to me like Patriot Outpost got suckered.
This ^^^
What concerns me are these reports in every poll that they are “polling,” say, 1000 “adults” of whom 800 are registered voters.
Ok, laying aside for a moment that we know “registered” voters are about 2 points more D than “likely” voters in November . . . .
The polls NEVER tell us WHO they are actually polling. So you have a sample of 1000 and a sub sample of 800-—but that doesn’t mean your poll is from the sub sample, it only means you HAVE a sub sample.
What I’m increasingly thinking-—and again, could be really off here-—is that they are using this clever wording to “salt” or “dilute” (whichever term you want) the sample of registered voters by including adults.
So a sample of 800 “registered voters” may, in fact only be a sample of 600 registered voters combined with 200 adults.
Do you see what I’m saying here or am I just nuts?
They were talking this morning on Fox and Friends about her fake press conference. One of the hostesses said he had never heard or seen reporters applauding a candidate in a press conference.
Hmmm, Nate has stated he 'aligns' with Gary Johnson.
and none of this is new. Us conservatives hear this kind of anecdotal stuff every election cycle.
the MSM is padding the polls for the dems etc. I was so suckered in the last election. Romney yard signs and bumper stickers everywhere. Remember the Romney rallies towards the end? They were massive, energetic, exciting, I was believing the Dick Morrish prediction of a landslide that would shock the media.
Election night was one of the worst, most disappointing nights of my life. Watching all the key states fall like dominos to Obama, watching Megyn Kelly smirking, watching Karl Rove in absolute denial flailing like a fish out of water with his whiteboard refusing to believe Ohio went down, (actually watching Rove flail was a bright spot).
I refuse to believe the hype, the secret back door stories, the anecdotal evidence.... I’m just going to vote Trump and get everyone else i know to do it too. That’s all any of us can do.
I don’t think she’s ever been pounded
“I call it riding the band wagon
The tendency is quite noticeable on Free Republic once it really starts to roll”
So are you still “pininng for sCruze?” No “band wagon riding” for me, just coming to grips with the facts like most of the good folks here!
Could be like those Cruz “insider” polls that had him “surging.”
But in fact, this does NOT sound like “BS” to me-—does it really you? I mean, if you just looked at physical turnout, Cankles can’t fill a closet with her supporters, Trump turns away thousands. There is no energy whatsoever on Cankles’s side. The social media is so massively overwhelming on Trump’s side (as it was in 2008 on Obama’s-—a fact that went completely overlooked except for Jason Mattera’s book, “Obama Zombies”) that it boggles the mind.
Everywhere we look, actual physical voter registrations are down massively for Ds, up quite a bit-—though not as much-—for Rs (say NC where there was a net 125,000 shift toward Rs). Now, they could all be going I and still plan to vote Cankles, but I’m not sure.
The point is, this DOES “seem” right. It seems if there was a leak from the pollsters, this is precisely what they’d be saying.
As much as I’d like to believe this 538 conversation occurred, I remain highly skeptical.
"I think if you look at what we at FiveThirtyEight have been saying is that the chances are very low that Donald Trump will win. Like 2%. One reason is once you get all those candidates on the debate stage then there are many different stories out there." --Nate Silver, Aug 5 2015
And I just noticed the bit about Trump winning all demographics except black women and men with advanced degrees also came from “realtruenews”.
So that’s bogus too, as you would expect. Or are we supposed to believe Trump’s winning hispanic women?
Here’s the site:
Obvious satire.
You would have to live in a state of suspended disbelief to think a flawed candidate like Hillary Clinton who barely beat Bernie Sanders is leading Trump by 10-15 pts. Its ludicrous. If these pollsters were smart they would keep her at only 2-3 pts ahead.
I don't get this feeling with Trump, I feel he's placed his personal and family's well being on the line and has so much vested in this election he is absolutely in it to win. I honestly believe he will bury the witch if he doesn't drop a house on her first.
I wonder how many voting age adults use the internet and of those, how many are “politically interested?”
How do those stack up against the people the pollsters claim they talk to?
Which numbers are more reliable? The “registered voters” the pollsters claim to call, or the “politically minded” of us that take internet polls, join social media groups, etc?
Pollsters tell us that so far, Hillary is going to run away with this election, but social media says exactly the opposite. Below are numbers taken from an article
Numbers from that article I find hilarious because crooked hillary has more than twice as many subscribers in one category than the other.
Trump: 197,696 subscribers
Hillary: 24,429 subscribers
Hillary for Prison: 55,228 subscribers
“Hillary for Prisons Reddit feed has more than double subscribers of Hillarys Reddit page, equating to Trump having 700% more Reddit subscribers.”
“Hillary is proving that she is a terrible candidate. No one likes her and no one trusts her. Based on turnouts at campaign events and on social media, if the election were today Trump would likely win in a Landslide!”
Bill Stills video take on the article in question:
I’d like to believe that Americans favor Trump as much as it appears they do based on his “internet” numbers, but given the history of vote fraud that just seems to get worse with each election, I fear that these polls we’re being fed are the lead in to be sure we accept the rigged election coming in November instead of what we can actually see occurring in social media and online polls.
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