Well, there was the Battle of Verdun (1916). The French army distinguished itself at Verdun beyond question. If Napoleon had such determined soldiers at Waterloo, perhaps he would have won.
At any rate, do such Frenchmen exist today?
Legionares I had the pleasure of working with in the middle east were bad ass hard corp troops. But were composed of a mix of foreigners and very few frenchmen.
Regular french forces ....meh.
At any rate, do such Frenchmen exist today?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
You bet. Buut the problem is thaey have been surplanted by French socialitas, those who originate with the Vichy French government of WWII.The left in France are anti Jew,and they welcome demographic invasion with open arms, and believe in hstoric justice for the sins committed by France during the colonial era.
The people of France need to drop these Vichy asshats who run the country and bring back those who administrators and command people who support the French Foreign Legion..
It is noteworthy that a substantial French Foreign Legion detachment is posted in Corsica, and they would be helping the Cosicans fight the goat humpers, no doubt.
And never forget the French Resistance. Whether such people exist in France today is a good question.