Posted on 06/29/2016 3:49:56 PM PDT by Sybeck1
"They say it was the roughest campaign ever in the history of Republican politics, but what you do is you go to sleep for a couple of days and you wake up and you honor [the pledge]," Donald Trump said. (AP Photo) Trump unloads on former GOP opponents who refuse to back him
By GABBY MORRONGIELLO (@GABRIELLAHOPE_) 6/29/16 5:26 PM SHARE TWEET SMSMore Donald Trump railed against several of his Republican primary opponents on Wednesday night for declining to endorse him in the general election, going so far as to suggest "they should never be allowed to run for public office again."
"I have guys out there and if you really think about it, they're really sore losers," Trump told supporters during a campaign rally in Bangor, Maine.
Trump was referring to at least seven GOP presidential hopefuls who signed a loyalty pledge to support their party's presidential nominee and have since declined to do so. Such candidates include former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, businesswoman Carly Fiorina and Ohio Gov. John Kasich.
"It was a rough campaign," he conceded. "They say it was the roughest campaign ever in the history of Republican politics, but what you do is you go to sleep for a couple of days and you wake up and you honor [the pledge]."
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The presumptive Republican nominee continued, claiming that he considered the pledge to be "legally binding" and assuring his supporters that he would have honored it had Kasich, Cruz or any other GOP candidate clinched the nomination instead.
"There are people I don't like or particularly respect on that stage, but I would have honored it," Trump said. "I wouldn't have gone crazy, yelling it from the loudest building."
Trump himself routinely changed his position on the pledge during the primary, threatening more than once to leave the Republican party and launch an indepedent bid.
"But you know what, we have people who haven't honored the pledge and that's a terrible thing," he told the crowd. "They signed a pledge saying they will abide, they will back the candidate of the party and now they sit back and ... they broke their word."
"In my opinion, they should never be allowed to run for public office again because what they did is disgraceful," he added.
Some of the billionaire's former opponents have said that in addition to declining to endorse Trump, they will not attend next month's GOP convention.
I don’t understand why it isn’t breach of contract if a delegate signed on to a candidate’s slate, then doesn’t want to vote for him. And what was the document the wannabbees signed about supporting the nominee? If that was arranged by the RNC, logically, should the RNC take away their credentials to attend the convention?
Have you heard him endorse Trump? Neither have I.
It’s his first foray into politics. He can be forgiven a few rookie mistakes.
And because he got elected, he's on record and can't pretend to be something different from everybody else who was elected.
We need all hands on deck now to save the second ammendment thus fall. How conservative is someone that allows the Supreme Court go full tilt liberal?
For these named POS RINOS, if this oath means NOTHING, then the President's Oath Of Office would also have meant NOTHING!JUST PONDER THAT ONE, FOR A MOMENT !
“rate your Concern Troll Index at .75 after reading your many admonitions to Trump in your posting history, and that youre a RUBIO supporter, and this gem from April 30, 2016:”
Yes I voted for Rubio in the primary. I thought he would be the toughest opponent for Hillary to beat. I also think if he were the nominee right now he’d be up a dozen points over Hillary and the race would be about over. People don’t want to vote for Hillary.
Trump has a very low wall to climb over. With people not wanting Hillary, all Trump needs to do to win is pass a basic competency test that people believe he can be the President.
Is he capable of that?
Is he capable of making a campaign plan, and executing it without chasing after all different distractions?
Is he going to create an organization in Ohio, the most important state for him? Is he registering new voters there? Or is he going to ask to borrow the governor’s organization?
I don’t see him doing either.
Ted Cruz is ignoring Trump. He’s working hard to elect a Republican Senator in Colorado and other states. That’s the good he thinks he can do. Rubio will be busy enough trying to win his own reelection.
Trump has enough work to do without running after extraneous things. Keep your eye on the ball Donald. A lot of people are depending on you.
‘Sure, like everybody else who managed to get elected.’
You’re saying that the only way to get elected is to advocate for a path to citizenship for the foreign invading horde flooding across our southern border?
Except for Jim Gilmore, they were all human refuse.
Trump has been beating BOTH Clintons and Warren to pieces and he, as a multi-tasker, can trash the stinking RINOS at the same time.
‘He can be forgiven a few rookie mistakes.’
BOL! The rookie mistake of beating sixteen seasoned politicians! Too funny!
‘How conservative is someone that allows the Supreme Court go full tilt liberal?’
I pity you....all of those words, written and posted, so people who actually know and understand politics, can laugh their collective socks off AT your utter stupidity! hehehehehe
I'm not saying they were right or I (not being elected or running for anything) would do the same. I'm saying that coming along later and beating them up for it is a little unfair.
Anybody who gets elected is part of the Establishment by definition, but Walker is better than most, and if you or I had been elected a few years back, we'd have done the same and would probably be getting abused as GOPe right now.
Trump really doesn’t need all these weasels. All he needs is the voters and the candidates and advisors he brings with him. Screw Ryan and McConnell too. The Congress is full of traitors anyway.
‘Trump has a very low wall to climb over.’
BOL!! Trump has the entire MSM and much of his Own Party gunning for him relentlessly, and you call it a low wall!!! You’re bizarrely funny.
Thank you for your concern and longstanding support of the Trump candidacy.
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