Please note this, everyone.
Not Cruz? Then Hillary as a second best.
How telling is THAT?
Hmmm. Let me see. What is the common thread here? OBVIOUSLY not political theory. It can only be ..... corruption through political influence!!!!!!!!
The left wing Beast report on Mercer needing a stooge to dodge a huge Tax Bill.
Mercer and Simon need the WH to flee a huge Tax hit .
Thanks to the Uniparty amoral stance , they turned to two crooked lawyer in both parties .
Jeb Cruz or Queen of the Clinton crime family !
More like a Hillary supporter from the beginning donating to Cruz to try to stop Trump.
Now that it will be Trump vs Hillary, he is showing his true colors.
.......from 2001 to 2013 Simons Medallion Fund’s lowest year was 21%. Arguably, he is the King of Hedge Funds at least in terms of his ROI performance during the subject years. (return on Investment).
So, guys and gals, there is why he gives millions to Hillary. Hillary will leave him alone and or enact some good ole boy legislation for him at his request.
Trump on the other hand, has already put him on notice that he is going to tax the hell out of him! So, no mystery here.
I get that Cruz has dropped out and people are in mourning and all, but that's no reason to ignore realities.
"Real principled type there."
The comment applies to all 3, and most damning to Cruz and the argument that he's his own man. Not rubbing salt, just rubbing the truth. If the truth is salt, then so be it.
I think the guy just doesn’t like DT. Can’t go from a historical constitutionalist to a communist without them cancelling each other out for the real motive.
Curiouser and curiouser
Looks like a deeply principled Constitutionalist right there, huh?
Why, do you suppose, Trump donated to Harry Reid, the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton?
How is this any different than the way Mr. Trump spread money around to Hillary et AL?
It will be good if that investment produces the same ROI.
This cannot be true. How can a conservative support a communist? All this disinformation is not working. Trump just stronger each day.
Globalism. Always globalism.
Donald Trump Donated More To Clintons Than Veterans
They all do it. Just saying...
A little more clicking on the will reveal the individual donors involved in each contribution. If you look for the source of the Cruz donations, you will find that they come from Robert Mercer, not James Simons as claimed in the article:
Meanwhile, the contributions to the Clinton campaign came from two completely different individuals, Henry and Marsha Laufer from Lantana, FL (whoever THEY are):
The only thing in common between these two is that they list the same employer.
Please pay attention to the following post on the website:
The money came from the organizations' PACs; their individual members, employees or owners; and those individuals' immediate families. At the federal level, the organizations themselves did not donate, as they are prohibited by law from doing so.
and try not to make such utter FOOLS of yourselves in the future.
Ted did say he would not use Mr. Bill as an issue, and he rarely attacked Mrs. Bill in the primary.
Eat the elite.