The vicious, hysterical, exaggerated hatred to which Donald Trump has been subjected is abominable and unconscionable, and his haters on this forum, rhetorically speaking, have been more than happy to bathe their hands in his blood.
Enough is enough. NO MORE.
There has been ample time for people to search their hearts and decide whether Donald Trump is sincere or not.
At some point, no more minds will be changed, especially the ilk that fanatically support Ted Cruz, regardless of his clear collapse in the polls, regardless of his many moral lapses, regardless of his jumping into bed with the GOPe, and regardless of his diabolical notion of attempting to force a contested convention.
If Jim's action can blunt the Ted Cruz "contested convetion" propaganda and prevent ONE person from falling for Trump-hatred, then he's doing the right thin.
Cruz propagandists and Trump-haters (but I repeat myself) such as yourself are well advised to stick to the issues, instead of spreading invective and discord.
Don't you get it? It's time for unity. If you're not prepared to at least consider that, then you short step back a bit and re-consider.
Quite frankly, the constant anti-Trump agitprop being spammed all over this forum, by an ever-shrinking minority, has reached its limit.
At this point, Ted Cruz has been mathematically eliminated from reaching a delegate majority before the convention.
Contrary to his previous calls for other candidates to withdraw when that was the case, he has hypocritally refused to do so.
What's left for him? A contested convention and shenanigans, no matter how you slice it.
Ted Cruz has put his own personal ambition ahead of the needs of the party and the country.
It's time to repudiate his attempted sabotage.
Is it within his power to try to force a contested convention? Of course.
Is is the right thing to do? NO. Not under any circumstances.
Those who can't accept the reality of this are aiding and abetting the Enemy at this point.
We've all stated it a dozen times now, and there is no argument to the contrary. A contested convention, which risks Donald Trump losing the nomination, is anathema to the Revolution we're trying to accomplish.
I'm very sorry to see you embrace Toryism, and I'm very sorry your idol (talk about mindless hero worship!) has been beaten fair and square.
It's time to stand down or face the wrath of the winning side. It's time to not put the party or the country at risk.
It's time to "shape up or ship out".
I'm sure there are plenty of places where you can go worship your failed messiah.
We all enter this phase with open eyes and a clear conscience. We have no illusions about the fact that we are placing our faith in an imperfect man.
But the die is cast. The decision has been made.
I'm all in. And you're either with us, or you're against us.
I am so angry at your hateful ilk that I could spit.
But go in Peace.
May God save Donald Trump, and may God restore the United States of America.
Vote Trump
You have a special place in HEAVEN for this amazingly wonderful post of yours, Sargon. I am “WOW”-ed!
You are really, really angry, aren’t you?
How about a walk or a beer or a book?
This should be pinned to FR’s front page until further notice.
I don’t know how anyone could sum it all up better right now.
well said and just wanted to chime in on how much I have enjoyed your well reasoned posts on this thread.
This is one of the most beautifully written comments I've read on FR. You and Jim Robinson are not the rash, hot blooded types we imagine Revolutionaries to be. No, you are men of reason who see the long range consequences of things and recognize there is a time for peace and a time for war. It is indeed time to marshal our support around the leader We the People have chosen. The Victor has not only electrified our Hopes, he has won fair and square. The First Amendment has been exercised to vet him several thousand times over to the point of the ridiculous. I am pleased that JimRob has drawn this line in the sand. It sends an unmistakable message to the Town Halls, National Reviews, Red States, and conservative radio commentators who have openly or subtly tried to undermine Mr. Trump, a man of impeccable experience and character who has been tested in the public eye for 40 years. It is truly time to unify against the common foe, the forces that would totally destroy our Republic, our way of the life, and turn it into a third world hellhole. It is truly time to Make America the GOP Great Again. |