Here is a partial explanation of what is going on in Colorado from a Denver resident who is very politically astute.
Colorado changed party rules in August. The change was to eliminate the straw vote at the caucus and not have a primary. Reason? Too expensive. In hind sight maybe not the best decision but that’s what it was. Our caucus system has always been flawed but I liked it better than having an election primary. The caucus gets people to neighborhood meetings to discuss issues and candidates in a neutral setting among Republicans in an area. As as aside, the 3 delegates per district was a new addition to our rules. Probably a good idea to fairly spread votes around the state since smaller districts rarely got much input in the past.
If you ever saw how delegates are chosen you know that it is all done before the voters arrive. Everyone has a slate who they are told to vote for if they want to move up in the Party. Pure corruption of the vote.
Yeah... that awful expense of having ordinary Joe Blow “Repubicans” actually VOTE for their preference “too expensive” to execute. Those pesky effing citizen votes. Damn them and the interference the pose to established GOPe politics.
I right now hear this ass Limbaugh telling us we don’t understand the politics and such... All the way from his goddam Florida compound. The man is multi-millionaire that has been bought off by the GOPe and advertising revenue. It is MONEY for this man, for cripe’s sake! There is nothing that this man has in common with the people here.
Yeah...we don’t enough money to let people vote...too spensive! We need to do this all over the country and pay off all that debt! VOTING IS JUST TO DAMN EXPENSIVE!
Silly America....did you really think you had a right to vote?...HaaaaaHaaaaaHaaaaa.....
thank you for the ground report.