What baffles me, is the folks who consider themselves Conservatives who are willing to side with the RNC/GOPe positions here.
Ah, an open convention, is so fair to deny the largest single delegate winner.
Folks are buying into this. Good grief.
You get the government you deserve and the GOPe has been fooling us for a long, long time. They really had me fooled too. I didn’t catch on until like maybe 3 years ago. It was right after Obama won his second term and Boehner started talking very funny and giving every excuse in the book why they had to give Obama, his golfing buddy, every damn thing he wanted while sitting on the LARGEST Republican majority in the House in a 100 years. The “Conservative” pundits where unanimous and said you can’t do anything with just the House you need the Senate and then we got control of the Senate and.... You guessed it...a great big donut. It was obvious, the GOPe pundits and pols were working together. The pundits are our escape valve and anesthetic for all the bad news and outrages that occur almost daily. They are the opiate of the conservatives by making us feel we have a voice and things are going to change when they are not. In the parlance of the day we were played son. The short version is I agree;)