The minimum wage is zero when your job disappears. Democrats can’t grasp the concept.
This has SEIU fingerprints all over it.
The minimum wage is zero when your job disappears. Democrats cant grasp the concept.
If I were this person's manager I would fire them as soon as the first step increase occurred and let them know that it was due to rising labor costs.
Democrat voters are just too stupid to figure that out - otherwise they wouldn't be democrats. Hawaii is a case in point. In the early 90's one of the largest sugar plantations still left on the big island told its workers that they couldn't stay open unless everyone (including management) took a pay cur. They opened their books to anyone who wanted to see. Predictably the worked voted NOT to accept a pay cut and predictably the plant/plantation shut down and went out of business. There hasn't been a large business in the area since. They are content to suck up welfare and do nothing. About fifteen years ago a consortium of Japanese businesses tried to put together a hotel/resort development project in that area. The locals successfully blocked it preferring their unemployed status to having development in their area. Natural born democrats
That is because Rats are incapable of dynamic thinking. They think that there will be no consequences from raising the minimum wage to $15/hr.
The largest unions in California are public employee unions, one out of 5 works directly or indirectly for the state government, so all that would happen is that would increase to 1 out of 4 or 1 out of 3.