I don’t have an hour, did this video copulate?
What I do on long videos is fast forward to the good stuff. If you’re not familiar with that hack, click on the timeline bar and then use your forward and rear arrow keys to navigate.
And that is why women don’t want you...
Short attention span...
(Just keeden)
This guy (Stefan Molyneux) is an interesting speaker. I found this to be a very good analysis and summary of all the statements made so far regarding the sex scandal and the 'wives'. It would only take about 7 minutes to listen to just a bit of the analysis, plus his summary. For just the seven-minute brief, you could start listening to the video at 52:22 But, HERE is his full SUMMARY, transcribed....Look, the principle is pretty clear, that we are innocent until proven guilty. And so, right now, there is no proof for the Cuban Mistress Crisis, and so we consider it false until evidence comes in that establishes its veracity. But this is the WHOLE POINT, This is what is SO STRANGE about Ted Cruz, which is that, if unjust accusations, unfounded claims are bad, then WHY would you immediately turn and attack Trump for something you cannot prove, that he engineered the story through the National Enquirer? This is what is SO strange about Ted Cruz. There is something kind of WRONG with the guy. Something is kind of MISSING in there. And maybe it was his dad who had like these missionistic fantasies that God had anointed him to become President? Its some pretty disturbed stuff to grow up with. But the affair allegations have been floating around AT LEAST six months, so to pin them on Trump with NO proof whatsoever, is doing EXACTLY what you're accusing the other person of doing. Its manifesting the vice that you are accusing of the other person. Given that he had a detailed description of PROJECTION in his press conference, but has NO AWARENESS that he is doing it himself is very very bizarre. And this idea that we're going to run the high road, and talk about the issues, well, you know, you have a campaign manager who totally trolls Trump, and rather than addressing Trump's issues, you create these weird D & D [Dungeons & Dragons] imageries of Trump like Soren tweeting at night in a tower. When people say that Trump is responsible for EVERYTHING that his followers do, and everything that his enemies do... like he creates a culture of whatever, whatever in the campaign... OK, IF you're going to make that accusation Mister Cruz, then you open yourself up to the counter-argument that if Trump is responsible for HIS supporters, then Cruz is responsible for his PACs. Because he creates a culture, and he dominates the hehhhh... [waving his hands over his head], right? [If] So, Cruz is RESPONSIBLE for the Utah attacks on Trump's wife. And you know, it would have been nice for him to oppose it BEFORE the votes actually completed. This idea... "well REAL men don't attack women" well that's sexist stuff. And I get it, if its Laura Bush who is a housewife and a wife, she's NOT a political figure, well OK then, obviously she's not that relevant. But Ted Cruz's wife is a Bush political operative, she was involved in senior strategy decisions with regards to United States policies, she was a senior head-up in Goldman Sachs. So, if you want to say "Well, don't attack my wife" then, DON'T BORROW MONEY which you FAILED TO DISCLOSE and are being investigated for, from the company your wife works for. That's kind of important to understand. And that is the kind of thing... So, Cruz says: "When Trump is cornered he lashes out unjustly", while complaining about Trump's projection, and that's such a complicated "nuts", I don't even know what to say. But here's the MOST important thing I think about this whole thing: Look, we all have our bug-a-boos, we all get a little nuts about certain things sometimes, and that's why we need people around us to slap us upside the head with a wet fish and say: "listen, you're kind of going off the rails here, remember your principles, go back and get on the track, go back to the straight and narrow". The Presidential nomination race is a dry-run for the Presidency, because Ted Cruz has chosen his close advisors, his campaign managers, his senior strategists... He's CHOSEN them ALL. Now either they are telling him: "Ted, this is NOT the way to go, You can't unjustly accuse Trump while complaining about unjust accusations. That's ridiculous, its embarrassing, its hypocritical, and people are going to see right through it." So, either he HAS PEOPLE around him who are TELLING HIM that, and he's not listening, in which case he is hiring people whose advice he is directly contradicting, which is NOT good because the President is going to hire a whole bunch of people to ADVISE him on issues. SO either his people are telling him: "Ted this is NUTS", OR... they are NOT telling him. They're instead saying: "yea Ted, whatever you want to do is great!", in which case he has hired a bunch of crazy-clown-mirrors, sycophantic yes-men that are reflecting back to him his own distorted lunacy in these areas. So this is why it is SO important, is the fact that he is going out, blatantly hypocritically attacking someone unjustly, while complaining about unjust attacks. Saying that things are unproven, while making attacks against Trump that are completely unproven. The fact that he is doing all this tells you that either he is surrounded by people who can't rein in his crazy, OR, they're out there encouraging it, and strapping a jet-pack to it, and THAT is EXACTLY what you will get for FOUR YEARS, or...God forbid... eight, should Ted Cruz ever get the reins of power.
Watch for 10 mins and before long you can’t stop til the end. The guy is very good and funny