I don’t like Cruz. Used to like the man, but some of his antics - or I should say, some of the antics by people associated with his campaign - turned me off the man. With that said, we should not just blindly attack the man based on hearsay. When/if it is proven that’s another case, but for now it is primarily innuendo and thus should be beneath us. Just my 2 cents.
From what I have seen over the past couple of months, those have been in short supply by some of these Trump zealots. The irony is that they love to accuse Ted of all these things, but turn a blind eye when Trump does them. Some even go as far as to claim these were genius tactical maneuvers by Trump.
Of course I will support whoever the nominee is as Ted or Trump is a much needed departure from our previous nominees of McLame and Romney. But I just get the feeling that there may be some Trump Buyers Remorse in the end for a lot of people.
‘...we should not just blindly attack the man based on hearsay...’
I agree. Here is a serious report ...
American Spectator Piece by F.H. Buckley
This was out there six months ago and Trump did nothing about it.
Well said.
well said and I agree. I no longer support him but he deserves the benefit of the doubt in my book.
Americans deserve better! These people haven't a clue how we get by, they haven't struggled to make a payment, fought for our financial health, losing a job to a China-man or an Indian H1B.
They live behind security gates with armed guards while we in the communities have to arm up to protect against illegal alien thugs, black inner city hood rats that would just soon pop a cap in ya.
This has been a freaking circus. The world is laughing at us as we embarrass ourselves by petty, childish one ups while the ded-gum world burns.
I agree. I feel sorry for him if this is not true. It’s horrific. However, my pity has dissipated a bit because of the way he immediately blamed Trump.
Allegations the rights to Trumps wife’s pictures were purchased by Cruz campaign and given to the superpacs to use...
If this is true, I have no doubt the affair rumors are true and the who wife fight was a ploy by Cruz to sow misdirection into the affair story.
It also explains Amanda’s far too emotional attachment to her candidate in her election analysis, even for an ardent supporter she’s been engaging if flat out bat excrement crazy.
If there is any remote truth regarding the rights to Trumps wife’s photos being purchased by the Cruz campaign, then it almost a certainty the affair allegations are true.