I agree with all of these things, but I think many see the candidate as flawed. His favorite book is NOT the Bible. He was for gun control before he was against it. He's done things and said differently. His statements on PP, and his propensity to be a "Republican" version of Obama with executive orders (although I wouyld be fine with him EO-ing all of O's EOs null and void) His twitter account...
what I don't understand is what you are saying. If the alternative is Cruz, why are some of these Trump supporters (most of who liked Cruz before) behaving in a particular manner? It's not just the insults, which I don't mind. It is the intellectual inconsistency.
I hate saying this,but it is the level of "worship" liberal losers had for the kenyan back in 2008.
A vote for Cruz is a vote for Hillary.
Trump can stop her, but Cruz would graciously lose to her.
I have a question for you. Have any of DT’s businesses contributed to making America great again? Are they the kind of businesses that you want? Why hasn’t he gotten into mfg since the first time he talked about becoming president almost 30 years ago? (1988 on oprah) What effect did his businesses have on Atlantic City and other towns where his endeavors were the mainstay?
Do you remember that in 2015 right after he announced his candidacy that he said he with oprah would make an unstoppable team? Since he takes no ones advice, maybe we should really listen to him.
Did you know he testified before a Congressional committee on the economy in 1991? He said the incentive to invest was taken away under Reagan in 1986. He wanted the real estate business helped and funded Frank Dodd who was partner to the real estate bubble.
And neither did Trumpers start the insult game, trashing of names, nor stalking others here. And the retaliation, replies in kind, took the majority of all last year for anyone to use.
Why did Trump supporters flee Ted? BECAUSE WE WEREN'T BLINDED BY THE CULT, SAW HIS FLAWS, HIS LIES, AND THE MORE WE KNEW THE ACTUAL FACTS ABOUT HIM, THE LESS WE FOUND TO LIKE. Nobody knew that he was born in Canada and was still a dual citizen, when he ran for the Senate seat. Nobody knew that he was lying through his teeth, when he claimed that he had liquidated ALL of his assets, to fund his senatorial campaign. Nobody could have guessed that he would do and say things and then LIE some more about TPA, the CORKER BILL, and so much more, back then.
Glenn Beck as his BFF, taking a pseudo presidential oath on a compass, Roe as his BIG dirty trickster? Well, we know about all of that now!
Yep, the similarities in words/actions seem like an Obama replay of 2008 and 2012.