What problem? 0bama is a mussie. Surprised?
Obama has so phuqued up the Mid East, Africa, Europe, and Asia....mostly with his Super-Sized financing and militarization and support for the worst most deadly Muslim Brotherhood and Iranian IslamoNazi type murder gangs....
that the world may never recover.
(Israel, however, will ...and there’s nothing O can do now about his repeated failures at destroying Israel)
Can't be the Arab's fault. I know, a Jew did it.
Obama understands NOTHING about the middle east. He lives in his own fairyland (appropriately).
Right from the git go the Obama Administration and George Soros conspired with the Muslim Brotherhood to overthrow the stable secular Arab governments and unseat Netanyahu and trow him out of office land replace him with a leftist like Clinton did in the 1990s.
They even used the same Stanley Greenberg led team of Democrat Party foreign regime change dirty tricksters to get the job done .
The only difference was that this time around they added ex Weather Underground alums like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, AFL/CiO head Richard Trumpka, SEIU operatives, ACORN operatives, then Obama Admin PLO/Hamas/Islamic Jihad liaison and soon to be Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens, Code Pink, a whole host media fellow travelers and propagandists to help incite unrest and facilitate regime change.
Ayers, Dohrn and Code Pink were close to the action that they almost got killed in one of the riots they organized and incited.
Using methods honed from the Obama campaign, including a key staffer from the presidents 2012 field operation, V15 aimed to put a center-left coalition into power. While its leaders officially denied that they opposed Netanyahu, it was a difference without a distinction. V15 wanted a government that would do more than Netanyahus Likud Party to negotiate with the Palestinians.
Eff ø. No longer a mid-east entity.
I guess Bibi didn’t realize that Bammy knows EVERYTHING. And Bammy WILL do whatever he wants because he is the SMARTEST MAN TO EVER LIVE.
Obama is very quick to take credit for things he didn’t do.......but he completely abdicates responsibility for things he did do. What an embarrassment.
Just another muslim blaming a Jew for the trouble his own ideology has caused .
It’s disgusting how leftist cover for this mess.
Obama always blames someone else. It is his M.O. Which means two things: 1) Obama is either an arrested development child or a narcissist. 2) The people of the U.S. electorate is willing to kowtow to the demands - tantrums! - of a child or narcissist. Does this square with current, known U.S. parental practices? Yes, sadly, it does.
My input: 1) Obama is a narcissist (essentially an adult who never grew up). 2) American adults/parents need to bite the bullet and see life as it really is. And, following that, learn that to say, “NO,” to a child is often the best for everyone.
Obama needs to hear “NO! Absolutely not!”
Bibi needs to understand how brutal and dangerous it was growing up in Hawaii, LA, NYC, Cambridge and Chicago, especially if you were a halfrican.
So he knows all about the Middle East because his skin is brown and he became Present of the United States?
“If you do not understand a man’s ignorance, presume yourself ignorant of his understanding.”-ST Coleridge.
He don’t know sh!t from shinola. He understands squat, and he’s in love with his own image, in which he believes completely.