Steve, you will NEVER get an explanation or a definition out of DiogenesLamp. He's not interested in having anything resembling a dialogue because he doesn't speak English. He Speaks Diogenese, a language that changes moment by moment, made of words that mean only what he wants them to mean:
DL has decided to ignore the NY Magistrate Judge's decision denying the motion ordering Apple to unlock an Apple iPhone 5S as a matter of LAW. He found that the DOJ and the DEA's reliance on the All Writs Act was legally flawed because it failed the third test for use of that law in that Congress had already addressed the issue, and not only did not elect to do nothing, which would have been sufficient by actually addressing the issue, but actually DID something in passing the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act which forbids law enforcement agencies, officers, and others of their ilk from requiring carriers or manufacturers of telecommunications equipment from being forces to install any feature, software, or hardware designed to decrypt any encryption of the data being carried on their systems or hardware. DL can't handle anything that doesn't fit his opinion that it's THE LAW as he sees it. Now a judge says it ISN'T THE LAW, so DiogenesLamp can't accept that so he must ignore it, completely.
I've given up on explaining anything to the blank wall known as DiogenesLamp. Nothing gets through it. Nothing factual fazes it. Nothing sticks to its teflon covering. It's a waste of FreeRepubic bandwidth and your time to even try. He REFUSES TO LISTEN.
400 posts. Unbelievable.
Swordmaker, this is not a criticism, just a request. Please spare the rapid-fire pings when one of these insane flamewars gets going. I don't read 'em. The original topic was interesting, but the flamewar is just... dumb. My wife is ill and I have no time for crawling through flamewar comments hoping for something of substance. Thanks.
Nice pic of Humpty, one of my favorites from when I was a kid.